OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, May 30. -Royal Regt. of Artillery-Capt. A. J. Taylor to be Lieut.-Col. vice Tylden, retired on full-pay ; Sec. Capt. S. H. Calder to be Capt. vice Taylor ; First Lieut. A. J. M'Dougall to be Sec. Capt. vice Calder; Sec. Lieut. It. Biddulph to be First Lieut. vice M•Dougall ; Capt. G. Maclean to be Lieut.-Col. vice Shone, retired upon full-pay; Sec. Capt. H. F. Strange to be Capt. vice Maclean; First Lieut. J. Spurway to be Sec. Capt. vice Strange ; Sec. Limit. W. Stirling to be First Lieut. vice Spurway.
WAR•OFFICE, June 2.-Ambulance Corps-Capt. .1. P. Pigott, upon half-pay UnatL Staff Officer of Pensioners of the Salisbury district, to be Capt.
Orrice OF ORDNANCE, June 2.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Riding house Este- blishment-Sergt.-Major W. Boylin to be Lieut. vice M'Pherson, refired on full-pay. Ordnance Medical Department-Senior Surg. J. W. Balaban, to be Deputy-Inspec- tor-General, vice Verling, retired on half-pay ; Surg. J. E. T. Parratt to be Senior Surg. vice lialahan; Assist.-Surg. W. H. Mackintosh to be Surg. vice Parrett, pro- meted; Temporary Assist.-Surg. R. W. Cockerill to be Assist.-Surg. vice Mackin- tosh.