35, Harland Bead, Notting Hill, May 25, 1854. Sin-In the Times of Monday we are told that a gallant English gen- tleman," having got an acquaintance to write down for him in Turkish certain phrases-such as " Yon are very pretty," I love you," &c. i went to the Sweet Waters, and, leaning n at a carriage-window, proceeded to address these sentences to a Turkish lady inside. On his removal being attempted, this "gallant English gentleman" stoutly resisted, and at length drew his sword. This piece of epauletted blackguardim is considered by the Tunes nes correspondent n the light of an exceedingly pleasant joke. Is there, I ask, no man in the British Parliament to stand up and inquire whether this ruffian in English uniform has been broken for this atrocioila insult ? If the military authorities at Constantinople wink at such doings, our newspapers will soon teem with outrages of a like character. OLIVER BRAnsator.