Ten Weeks of 1844.'53.
Eymotic Diseases . 2024 ....
Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat • 448 . .• • Week 0(1864.
Tubercular Diseases 1,847 .... 211 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 1,187 .... 141 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 322 .... 27 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 1,273 .... 177 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 587 .... 63 Diseases of the Kidneys, Ac. ... 88 .... 16 Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, etc. 70 •••• 8 Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, fee. 70 .... 11 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Sc. 20 .... 2 Malformations. 15 .... 3 Premature Birth 257 .... 37 Atrophy 198 .... Si Age 412 .... 35 Sudden 91 •••• 4 Violence,Privation, Cold, and Intemperance
— ••••
Total (Including unspecified causes) 9,210