The Belgian House of Representatives has inserted com- pulsory voting
in the Constitution by 94 votes to 48. The only exemptions allowed are for sickness, debility, and absence from the country, the capable voters who abstain being visited with fine, or other punishment to be hereafter determined. That is a new experiment, and its result will be watched with considerable interest. The Radicals think it will be all in their favour, as it will prevent the employers of labour from refusing leave during voting hours ; but it is possible they may be mistaken. The indifferent are generally slightly con- servative, and if compelled to vote will register themselves on that aide. There is a, feeling expressed by some opponents that the law is oppressive ; but it is not half so oppressive as the one which compels attendance on a jury. It is only neces- sary to make the polling-places numerous, and to visit the riotous intimidation of voters with exemplary penalties.