In reply to a question put by Lord Wolmer on
Monday, Mr. Lloyd George made an important statement as to the intentions of the Government with regard to granting facilities for the Women's Suffrage Bill. The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated that, after giving the matter their most careful consideration, the Government had found it impossible to allot to the Bill in question such an amount of time as its importance demanded. But they would be prepared next Session, when the Bill had been read a second time, to give a week for its further stages. In reply to further questions, Mr. Lloyd George said that the Government could not give an undertaking to bring in a closure motion, nor could he see his way to state whether this time-table contemplated the Com- mittee Stage being taken before a Standing Committee or a Committee of the whole House. But, in reply to Mr. Keir Hardie, he said he thought it would be found that if Parlia- ment lasted the prescribed time, that was, according to the time for Commons Bills to be sent up to the House of Lords, it would not be too late for the Bill to become law in this Parliament.