3 JUNE 1911, Page 3

A Manifesto on Public Morals, issued by the National Council

of Public Morals, appeared in Wednesday's news- papers. The Manifesto expresses the belief that only by raising the ideals of marriage, by education for parenthood, and by intervening to prevent degeneracy, can we cope with the demoralization which is sapping the foundations of national well-being. We note that a special reference is made to the circulation of pernicious literature, "for which no defence can be offered." The signatories include several bishops ; a number of eminent representa- tives of the Free Churches, and a large number of public men of the highest eminence. We may add that all com- munications respecting this Manifesto should be addressed to the Rev. James Marchant, National Council of Public Morals, Holborn Hall, London, W.C.