* SIR,—If Mr. Garry Allighan must refer to 'careless writing
and 'slovenly thought' and dispute with
Bernard Levin the use of the word 'off' instead of 'on' then surely he might spare us the use of italics to stress his own lack of pedantry. He really shouldn't use the words 'instinctively' and `congenital' when accounting for dishonesty and lying. These human characteristics, just like honesty and truthfulness, are environmental in origin. They are, indeed, acquired by one's upbringing.
If some or most Bantu (I know not which) steal from their employers, even if it is traditional for them to do so, I would dispute any suggestion that the cause is not basically an economic one. By the same token what, may one ask, is particularly civil- ised about an employer stealing his employee's labour? What is peculiarly Christian about not regarding the labourer as worthy of his hire?
The South African Government's racial policy would seem to give the lie to Mr. Allighan's asser- tion that pigmentation is not South Africa's colour problem. At least we are led to suppose that South African Nationalists think there is something wrong with black genes.
We shall all look forward to Mr. Allighan's next book but one, devoted we hope to the study of white morals, especially in relation to the increasing cruelty to children in this country.—Yours faithfully,
Worcester Royal Infirmary