18 19 ACROSS Coleridge's fun-fair? (8-4)
9 How the fried fish-shop was set ablaze? (9) II) All het up about the time (5) 11 Fashion for morning till night in Ohio (6) 'That lie that --I— I abhor the most' (Cowper) (8) 13 Informer surrounds half-a-dozen iq Norway (6) IS He might be involved over tins (8) What emergency guests hope to do for themselves? (8)
Not quite the frying-pan Miss Mullet would prefer (6)
.21 Pastime exclusive to dukes? Well,
Peers generally! (5, 3) 23
26 IS:Port the drink for this toast? (6)
l-abio was Pope Alexander VII (5) 27 Desire kin? He might! (3-6) 28 What apparently the nudists don't do even at a ball (5, 7) DOWN Excellent though he is, his chum is always followed by a row (7) 2 Resembling a peer up before- times? (5) 3 One snag is to be found in relish (9) 4 The bird with the built-in perch (4) 5 'Whose — is the light of setting suns' (Wordsworth) (8) 6 Just a little word for the singers? (5) 7 But the surgeon's assistant is not necessarily a fop (7) 8 Topsyturvy (8) 14 Hid broom; it's not on the square (8) 16 The specialist, it seems, must display skilled naturalness (9)
1tagi price of a hook token for one guinea and a second prize of a book token for fifteen "n55 will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct soltitions openedoil Jane 14. Ad
dress solutions: Crossword No. 1092, 99 Cower St., London, WCI. Solution on June 17
17 Picadors might appear here and there (8)
18 Redskin with a stoic manner (7) 20 Election results might be happy ones (7) 22 The girl 1 care for (5) 24 Does it always rain in these districts? (5) 25 'Thus I set my prindess feet O'er' the cowslip's velvet —' (Milton) (4)