3 JUNE 2006, Page 28

Amnesty and abortion

From Kate Allen Sir: The debate on abortion is a difficult one to have (‘If Amnesty declares the “right to kill”, it will kill itself’, 27 May), but, with proponents of differing views invoking human rights in their arguments, it’s not surprising that Amnesty International should debate how it should respond.

One of the many strengths of Amnesty is that this debate will involve members here in the UK and in more than 70 national sections and structures around the world, with decisions eventually being taken by representatives of our 1.8 million members in democratic structures such as Amnesty’s ‘parliament’ — the International Council Meeting.

Consultation within Amnesty International isn’t about to close. Indeed, the motion passed decisively at the UK section’s AGM in April also called for consultation to continue over the next year. For that reason, I’ll leave my response to Simon Caldwell’s very personal viewpoint there and instead encourage our members to continue the discussion.

Kate Allen

Director, Amnesty International UK, London EC2