3 JUNE 2006, Page 28

Our party piece

From Alex Bannister

Sir: Charles Moore (The Spectator’s Notes, 27 May) should perhaps have checked with his fellow Telegraph columnists before launching into his latest diatribe against the Daily Mail. He attacks our report on the Beckhams’ World Cup party for being inaccurate before spitting out a whole series of inaccuracies himself. Chief among these was the bizarre claim that ‘there was no rain at all’. Our reporter was drenched for six and half hours out of the seven he spent there.

He goes on to pull us up for reporting that Gordon Ramsay was suffering from a ‘crippling injury’, saying that he was dancing ‘energetically without limping’. How strange. Ramsay had to withdraw from training for his charity football game because he was so badly injured. Besides, his Telegraph colleague Hilary Alexander certainly seems to side with us. She reported the following morning that Gordon Ramsay was ‘hobbling around with a knee the size of a watermelon’.

I could go on to defend the other claims in our piece, but the point is made. Even a novice journalist knows that if he wants to attack a fellow journalist on grounds of accuracy, he should take care to be accurate himself.

Alex Bannister

Daily Mail, London W8