On the 16th ult. at North Runeton, Lady Manner GURNEY, of a danebter. On the 2801 ult. at his house in Eaten Place, the Lady of the Rev. Toon .,s PUT.T.ER, of a son.
At Cheltenham, the Lady of' S. Grows PRICE, Esq. of a son. On the 28th nit. at Catistield, the. Lady MARV GAGE, of it son.
MARRIAGES. On the 28th ult. at St. James's Church, Major-General the Hon. HENRY Kerr,, to CATTIEST:VS, youngest daughter or the late Rev. Edward Philipps, of is:wits:es Pembrekesh i re.
On the 2801 ult. at Richmond, Sir GEORGE SstART, to Miss F. M. Hors, youngest daughter of the Rev. C. S. Hope, of Thgby.
On the Otis nit. at Thorpe, orkshire, Captain BEAUMONT, R.N. to the Hum. Sc-SAN
On the 15th ult. at Oswestry, Sir BALDWiN En; Wreet, Bart. of Lnton Park, Salop,
to MARY, eldest daughter of ThOMIU3 Netherton Parker, Esq. of Sweeney h till. neer Oswcstry, and formerly of Worcester.
On the 26th tilt. in Conduit Street, EMILIVO HENRY DELME RADfT.TEFE. ESti Gentleman of the Horse to his Majesty.
On the 28th ult. at Bath, in his 73rd year, PETER STILL, Esq. of Devonshire Place, and Lincoln's Inn.
On the 23rd ult. at No. 25, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. GRACE MARGARET. Tette/ or William Graham, Esq. of Mosskuow, Dumfriesshire, whom she survived sally sixteen days.
On the 15th ult. at Brighton, Lady SOPHIA LuisLEY, only surviving sister of the pre- sent and late Earl of Scarborough. On the 27th ult. in his 66th year, GEIMICIE TENNANT, Esq. of Russell Sqnare, Lon- don, and of Cadoxton Lodge, in the county of Glamorgan. On the 27th ult. in Huston Square, in her 77th year, Mrs. SHIRROW, the widow or John Skirrow, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, and of Gilstead, in the county of York. On the 14th ult. at Valleyfield House, Perthshire, in her 67th year, Lady PRESTON, of Valleyfield. On the 18th ult. at Montreua, near Vevey, in her 74th year, the Right Hen, Lady FRANCES COMPTON, sister to the late Marquis of Northampton. On the 7th September last, at Ceylon, WILLIAM JOHN LUSHINGTON, Esq. in his Majesty's Civil Service, second son, and on the 19th October following, on board the Beretto Junior, on his passage from Madras, Captain JAMES STEPHEN Lugar:salvo. of the Madras Cavalry, and late Town Major of Fort St. George, eldest son of William John Lushington, Esq. of Rodmersham Lodge, Rent