3 MARCH 1832, Page 13


Arrived. Off Portland, Feb. 27th. Kersewell, Haswell, from the Cape. Off Dart- mouth. March 1st, Elizabeth Jane, Richmond, from Bombay. At Liverpool. Feb. 24th. Cape Breton, Johnson, from the Cape.. In the Clyde. 24th, Neptune, Whittleton, from Bombay. At the Cape, Dec. 22nd, Aguila. Taylor, from Liverpool. At Bombay, Lady Raffles, from London. At Batavia, Oct. 22nd, Gulnare, Bully; and 95th, Hobo, Currie; both from Liverpool. At Singapore, Sept 14th, Columbia, Booth, from the Clyde. Sailed. From dravesend, Feb. 26th, Cambridge, Barber, for Bombay; and Kathe- rine S. Forbes, Anderson; for New Smith Wales; 29th, Lady Harewood. Stonehouse, for ditto; and Palmira, Loader. for Madras. -From Liverpool, 29th, Bahamian, Max- well, for Calcutta.