The French papers say, it is now positively ascertained that
the de- ficit of M. Kesner amounts to 6,265,000 francs. The property pointed out by the President of the Council to cover the Treasury, for the sum of about 2,000,000 francs, was pledged to all the creditors, who are very numerous. It appears that lg. Kesner has made away with 2,430,000 francs belonging to private individuals or to his family, and from 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 francs belonging to Receivers-General. It has been said, in reference to M. Kesner, that no system would pre- vent fraud ; systems could only enable the public to discover them. But what no-system earthly could enable a public officer, to make away with from 1,300,0001. to 1,600,000/. without discovery? Checks, truly! very pretty checks, that allow a million or two to pass before they give a hint that something is wrong ! All the tellers and musty trumpery of our Exchequer would not have allowed such a defalcation as the splendid system of our neighbours did in this Kesner's case.