According to the Messager des Chambres of Wednesday, the expedition
to Ancona has put back; one vessel has already re- -turned to Toulon, and the rest are expected. No reason is given in explanation of this retrograde movement. The vessel that has returned had suffered from the weather.
The state of Toulon is described as very unsatisfactory; the iemissaries of the Carlists are busy exciting the populace, who want but little to prompt them to irregularity. It is added, that they had concerted with some Genoese and other foreigners to fire the arsenal. The Carlists are so active and so few in num- ber, that in all probability in a short time they will provoke a Jaw for their expatriation.
Louis PHILIP, a few days ago, while walking with the Queen -in the Place de Carrousel, was nearly ridden over by the cabriolet lef a M. A. BERTHIER. As BERTHIER is a Carlist, it is supposed there was some evil intention on the part of the driver, and he has been arrested in consequence. He denies the imputation, of course. The Chamber of Deputies have rejected with great indignation the amendment of the Peers continuing the commemoration of Louis the Sixteenth's execution. A batch of Peers and a dissolu- tion are talked of, in order to reconcile the two Houses on this im- portant point.