BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &dun Monday. Tuesday. Wednes. Thurs. Friday.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced 34 per Cents. of 1818. Reduced 34 per Cents New 31 per Cents. 4 per Cents. of 1896.
Long Annuities
Bank Stock, 8 per Cent.
India Stock, 104 per Cent South Sea Stock, 34 p. Cent. IC:meek Stock, 4 per Cent.
Ditto Ditto. 3 per Cent. Exchequer Bills,if d.p.diem. India Bonds, 24 per Cent
821 1 824 g 82E 82,1 E 821 E 82E i 824 i 82s f 824 i 82* I 891 4 821 4 83/ 834 83s f 834 4 831 I shut ---- 90E 901 i 901 ---- 904 1 90+ q 90* 4 901 + 904 1 904 4 shut
89E 90 90 90 893 90 .89E 90 893 903 1001 1 100/ 1 1001 g 1001 4 1001 1 WOE 4 16E 16E 163 163 163 161 195 6 195 6 195 6 195 6 195 6 shut
193E 41 194 5 194 5 194 5 194 5 ----
- - 914 911 82 82
89 78 78 78 78 78 2 1 dis. 9 1 die. 2 1 div. 2 1 die. 9 1 dis. 1 die par
Austrian 5 p. Ct.
Belgitut 5
Ditto, Scrip 5 - Brazilian 5 *Buenos 1yres 6 - • Chilian 6 *Colombian 6 - *Ditto or 1824 6 - Danish 3 Dutch 24 -
Do. (ft othsehild'sCers )24 - Freneh 5 Do. (Rot hsehild'sCers ) 3 "=-7 Ditto Balk Shares . of 1200 Frs.
*Greek of 1825 5 p. Ct. *Guatemala 6
*Mexican 5 P. Ct.
*Ditto 6 - Ditto, (Div. from)1836 5 - Ditto, Ditto 6 -
A capoidan 5 -
Ditto of 1824 5 *Peruvian 6
Portuguese 5 Ditto Regency Scrip 5
Ditto. of 1899 5
Russian 5 Ditto (hope's) 5 *Spanish, 1820 5
*Ditto, 1821 and 1S22 5 *Ditto, 15:23 . 5
The Prices of several of the following Shares are merely nominal.
01.4100 12 Commercial.. .per share of .£100 150 130 40 East Country 100 50 3 East India per Ct. 20 lf London - 35 38 40 St. Katherine - 25 Ditto. tif per Cent. Bonds 20 5* Ditto, 4 per Cent. Ditto. -
50 74 8 West India 55 34 TsRIDGES.
25 19 IIammersmith .per share of £50
20 7 Southwark 100 50 4 Ditto, New 74 per Cent 50
25 - Vauxhall 100 100 - Waterloo 100 400 124 Ditto. Ann. of SI. for 60/. 40 44 Ditto, Ditto of 71. for 401. - 1/prem. Ditto, 5 per Cent. Bonds of 100/.
Atiglo-Mexican,pershare Below* Bolivar Brazilian Ditto, Imperial Ditto, National Ditto, St. John del Rey ... British Iron Colombian English General Hibernian Irish Mining Mexiean Real 1101 Monte United Mexican Ditto Scrip dis. 444 5 21 3 16 17 9 11 19 661 4 40
404 1 97f. 75e. 67f. Or. 1692 50 234 44
884 24+ 54 31.4 131 144 154 164
104 114 49 50 f ihs 1001 lf 98 9 974 921
14 134
744 7 614 64 761 102 98 109
20 24 24 18
21 23+ 204 112
The Dividends on Stocks printed in Italics are not payable in London; on those preceded by an Asterisk the Dividends are totally or partially suspended.
Hay, Coarse Meadow..... 60s. to 803. 700. to OW...." 65s. to 755. 531. to 841. ['seta' Ditto 48 .. 50 55 . 63 0 .. 0 0 .. 0
Upland Ditto 0 .. 0 0 • 0 70 .. 90 0 .. 0
Clover. ....... ....... BO .. 100 90 .. 110 80 .. 100 60 ..120 Straw, Wheat.. . 36 .. 42 33 .. 42 36 . 42 NI .. NI
We have but little turtle in either Beef or Mutton this morning, though both are rather short in quantity. The former is lower by 2d. per stone than at last Monday's market, the very best Scots not realizing more than 4s. Best Downs and other good sorts of Sheep still fetch 5s.
Last Monday's value of the best Veal was only Sc. 4d. upon which there is no advance to-day, the demand being Pork there is no alteration.
Bed 2s. mid. to 33. 44. to Ss. 64 ..... Ss. 24. to 33. 64. to 43. ed. Mutton.... ..... 3 4 .. 3 8 .. 40 3 .. 4 6 .. 3 0
Veal ...... 3 8 .. 4 8 .. 5 4 4 0 .. 4 10 .. 54 Pork 3 13 4 8 .. 5 4 5 4 .. 0 0 .. 0 0
• By the Carcase, per stone of Ins. 1- Sinking the offal, per stone of elks.
Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales, for the Week ending Feb. 24. Wheat 58410d. I live 36s. 4d. Barley........ 34 0 Beans .. 34 6 Oats 20 10 Peos 37 5 Aggregate Average of the last Six Weeks, which regulates Duty.
Wheat 393. tki. 'Rye 35s. Gd. Barley, 35 3 Boons 33 2
Oats . 21 3 Pens .. 37 4 Duty on FOREIGN CORN for the present Week. Wheat 27s. 82. rive 163. Dd. Barley.. ...... 9 4 Beans 16 9
Oats 15 3 Peas 14 o
Town-made.... ....... ......per sack 53s. to GOs. Seconds ........ ........... ... ...... 50 .. 55 and Suffolk, on board ship.... 46 .. 50
Norfolk mid Stockton 411 . 45
Kidneys per ton 3/. 08. 10 0/. Os. Scotch Reda ........ ........ 2 15 .. 5 0 Wares 2 5 3 0
Kent Pockets ........per cat 41.153. .. 01. Os.
Sumer Pockets 4 10 .. 5 14 Ex.'s Pockets 4 10 .. 6 15 Farnham, Fine . 9 0 .. 12 0 Seconds ... 7 6 .. 9 0 heat Bags 4 0 .. 6 10 Sus-es ltigs 4 4 .. 5 0 Essex Bags 0 0 .. 0 0
Wall's End, Best per ton 208. 223.03„ Inferior 14 6 .. 19 0
Gold, Portugal, in Coin ......per or. 01. Os. 04. • Foreign, in Bars 3 17 9 .... New 0 0 0 Silver, In Bars, Standard 0 0 0 .... New Dollars 0 4 94 Sold February 23(1, at Redruth.
Copper Ore ...... .............. 2642 tons. Amount of Money ........ 17,2591. 03. 02 Average Price 6 10 6 Average Standard 97 13 0 Average Produce per cent. fit Quantity of Fine Copper ........ 251 tons 0 cat.
Iron, in Bars ............ Pigs 4100 ..
.. Hoops 8130
Steel... . . ....... 30 0 0 .. Tins, inBa 3 14 6 .. 11: :
Quicksilver., . . per lb. 0 111
Copper, in Sh.eats 0 10 ..
Cabs ..per ton 05 0 .. Lead, Pig 13 1 0 .. .... Milled or Sheet 14 0 ..
• Bars 14 0 ..
We are moderately supplied with Wheat and Flour this week : the trade is however dull, on scarcely so good terms. Barley is steady in value, but Beaus and Peas are rather cheaper; and the Oat Trade is very dull, though we cannot quote it lower.
Wheat, Red New 44 to 59 Old .. I Maple 33., 3; Oats, Feed ..... 17 .. Co
Fine 60.. 04 Barton, Stained at .. 32 Whim 30.. 34 0" •
White, Old... 50 .. GO Molting 37 39 Boilers at,, 38 Poland 20 .. 23 Fine 63 .. GU Stall, Ordinary . 55 . 60 Beams, Ticks ... 33 .. 35 Fine 53,. 25
Superfine ... 70 - 72 Fine Cl .. G3: Harrow ...... .. .. .. Potato 20.. 27 Rye, New 30 .. St Peas, Hog 33,. 351 Old 37.. 40 Fine 'I • 23
01.08.01 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0