At the Assizes recently held at St. Omer, four English
gentlemen were tried oil a charge of attempting to commit homicide in a duel, in which Mr. Cecil Johnson, late Captain on the Quarter-3Iaster-Ge- nerd's Staff of the British Legion, and Mr. Walker, late a Cornet In the First Lancers of the same Legion, were principals, and Aleasrs. 11. Wetenliall and W. Fitzjohn were seconds. The jury acquitted all the prisoners. A good deal of excitement prevailed in Paris respecting an accusa- tion of swindling against a noted Deputy, M. Emile Girardin. The commission of the Chamber has refused authority to prosecute ; bt this refusal only extends to the duration of the session. When it's over, any who pleases may prosecute a Deputy.
Count and Countess Flahaut have resigned the places they occupied in the household of the Duke and Dutchess of Orleans, in consequence of a quarrel of the Count on a point of precedency with General Baudrend, Camp of the Prince Royal. Letters from Frankfort state that the Emperor of Austria, while attending a funeral service for the late Emperor Francis, was suddenly
seized with a fit, which at the moment excited the most serious apprehensions; favourable symptoms, however, soon appeared, and no doubt
remained but he would shortly be restored to health. King Leopold of Belgium, as King William was before him, is in• terested in an extensive concern for the printing and publishing of the best new works issued from the presses of Germany and France.—Le