At the very moment that the T ories were so fiercely
vindiegie, their election-committee purity against the attacks of Mr. O'Connei;, they were sending round the following circular to their partisans, sum. moiling them for the ballot on Tuesday- " Your attendance is most earnestly and particularly requested in the Hone of Commons this day, at 10 minutes before four, on the election ballots, whe, six seats are in question. Your attendance is the more urgently required in consequence of the recent notoriously partial conduct of the W lugs 00 the Election Committees."
Mr. Palmer, being a brother of Mr. Horsley' Palmer, the petitioner against the return of the sitting Member for the city of London, fee such confidence in his impartiality as to become a member of the Dom. mittee to decide on the London election.—Morning Chronicle.
Mr. Hindley, Mr. T. Duncombe, Mr. Villiers, and Mr. M. j, Blake, were among the Liberal Members of the House. of Commas absent from the " perjury " division, in consequence of illness. Lord Stanley is recovering slowly from his hurt.
When the result of Monday night's division was made known, the cheering on the Tory side was quite frantic. Sir John Tyrrell, wheel zeal brought him to the House on crutches, waved them with wild tti. umph round his head.