ictly evident from the reports of his speech, that he
had Alany arguments in favour of the Bank of England do not apply to the
Ct was perfe arefully avoided imputation on the conduct of British officers, and Irish money-shop. In "regulating the currency," for instance, the bad merel attacked the system of rewarding the capture of slave- Bunk of Ireland cannot pretend to any function or pre-eminence. It vessels y ead-money, as having the tendency to make officers wait till is our purpose to enter into discussion of this subject at present, b h a vessel was full of slaves before they seized it ; and he read passages but simply to direct public attention to it, in order that no juggle be- from his speech in confirmation of this statement. Lord Brougham tween the Bank of Ireland and the Chancellor of the Exchequer may expressed his extreme surprise that the Speaker of the House of end in the renewal of a monopoly, odious in Ireland, and injurious to Commons should have suffered such language as Sir Edward Cod- other esleblishments as secure and respectable as the Government eeigton's to pass without censure : he had addressed a respectful note Bank. The debt to the Bank is two millions and a half; but the m pay- ment of this sutn would be easily made in the existing plenty of money. The The charter of the Bank of Ireland expired on the lust of January, and Mr. SPRING RICE has promised nut to renew it until the Com- mittee on Joint Stork Banks has made its report. It is a question of considerable importance, and in Ireland extremely interesting to many, whether the charter might to be renewed at all. It wou d be difficult to prove the necessity of continuing the monopoly of the Bank of Ireland.