to sit—when I find that it is no want of authority which has occasioned Y he h they are notice, issued by the Bank Directors, b w seen that prepared to lend money at :4 per cent., though their ordinary rate o isconnt is 4 per cent. This measure may therefore be considered as a reduction of dis- count to flk per cent., at least till the 16th April.
" Bank of England. 1st March MS. "Tin' Governor ana Company of the Bank of England do hereby give notice, that hey are ready to receive applie'illions for loans upon the Ilepnsit of approved bills of exeliattee, not has hig mate that, six mohths to run ; such loans to be repaid on or before the 16th Ala irnext, with interest at the rate of 3} per mint. per annum."
A notice has also been issued from the Exchequer Bill Office, for the calling n all Exchequer Hills dated prior to March IS:37, and exchanging them for new bills bearing interest at the rate of 2d. per day. The premium upon these Securities has' however, increased, and they have risen from 54 to62 premium. India Bonds have also improved in a similar degree.
In the Share Market, the business has been chiefly confined to the Railway Shares, which have all risen materially. London and Birmingham are up M. per share ; Southampton 31.; Great Western nearly 10/. Among the minor varieties, Blackwell and Brighton have been steady ; Manchester and Birming- ham have risen 2/. 10s. ; and the South Durham, which were current at 21., are unsaleable.
The European Continental Stocks are all firm at trifling advances on our last prices ; the improvement in Consols not having. been much felt by them. 131 azil Bonds have risen nearly 2 per cent.,—viz, from 74 to 76. The anticipations of the speculators in Columbian Bonds as to the arrival of dollars on account of the Dividends, by the last Jamaica packet, have not been realized. The price of these Securities has nevertheless improved ; and they are 1 per cent, higher than last week.
Mexican Bonds have been done at 291,, but have been steady for the last few days between 29 and 29k. The Buenos Ayres Bonds are quite neglected, the quotations being only nominal.
Peruvian have been firm between 20 and 21.
Spanish Stock, which was lively at the end of last week, fell back on Tues. day to its old quotation of 19; but has again rallied, and may be quoted to-day at 19k. The business transacted in it has, however, been unimportant. The Portuguese Securities are also at higher prices, though very little busi- ness has been doing in them. The Peninsular Bonds may generally be quoted as firmer than last week. There does not, however, appear any disposition among the public to speculate in them ; the Railway Shares, and South Ame- rican Stocks, apparently absorbing at present all attention.
SATVIIDAY, TWET.ST o'CLocrt. There has been very little doing this morning, and prices generally ate the i same as yesterday. Spanish Stock has improved, and s now 191 Russian Stock is quoted, without the dividend, at 110 to ill; which is equal to 1124 114 with the diyitlend. Railway Shares are without material variation; London and Birmingham are 79 to 81 prem. ; Southampton 25 30 prem. ; Greenwich IS Hit ; Brighton 41 5 prem. ; plackwall 7 74 prem.; Manchester and 13inningliam 41 5 prem. 3 per Cod. Consols 03z4 Brazilian 5 per Ceuta 754 6
Ditto for Account 934 Danish 744 5
3 tier Cent. Reduced Shut Dudek 2,1 per (touts 534 f
New 34 per Uent. Auns 1001 101 Portia:vie, lteeeney 5 p.Cts. 2;1 tti Plank Stock Shut Ditto 3 per C-ut 184 19 ludiaStoek Shot Itu.siati (1822)5 per Cmitex..1.110 111 Ditto Bonds Cl 63 Spanish (1S3N) Suer Cent... 194 g
Exeliequer Bills Cl 63 14.6.treil Stunk 74• Belgian 3 per Cents ib4 Pas -ive Ditto .19