2.1 March 1833.
Sin-1 observe in a paper on " The Reign of Victoria the First," in the Monthly Chronicle, which some Ministerial papers praise as the production of 111 r. E DIVA RDIJI. LWEtC, 51. I'. , a passage indicative of considerable exultation at the success of that clever arrangement by which the Radical Members, alarmed and irritated by Lord JOHN RUSSELL'S " declaration" at the com- mencement of the session, were induced to continue support to the Government till the conduct of Ministers on the Ballot should be known. New I happen to know that Mr. EDWARD BCLWER himself took a prominent part at the meet- ing at the Reform Club alluded to in the Monthly Chronicle. He was parti- cularly anxious that Ministers should be allowed a day of grace—only till after tin Ballot metion; when, if they opposed it, there should be another meeting called, and a new course of policy discussed. Well, Sir, the Ballot has been rvected by the influence of the Ministry ; and now I wish to know whether 111r. Bur wca bas followed out his own proposal at the Reform Club; or if not yet, whether lie means to SUIIIII1011 the Members who formerly net, for the purpose of organizing an Independent Opposition? Till that be done, the chuckle at the SIICeeSS of the former strategy, however natural, is not decorous. A RADICAL.