The Ancient Britons dined together on Thursday, the anniversary of
St. David, at the Freemason's Tavern ; having heard a sermon in St. James's Church in the morning. About 200 gentlemen attended the festival ; among whom were Mr. Robert Clive, Mr. Wynn, Lord Kenyon, Lord Clive, Mr. Rice Trevor, Captain Deans Dundas, and Mr. %V. Owen Stanley. The children tdricated by the charity (106 boys and 54 girls) were iiitroduced after dinner, and marched round the room. The sum collected was 1,2601.; including 1051. from the Queen, and 25/. from the Dotcbess of Kent.
T he Metropolitan bankruptcies have not recently averaged more than two a week; furnishing very moderate employment for the three Judges, six Commissioners, and nine Registrars of the Bankruptcy Court.
The Queen's Theatre, in Tottenham Street, was sold on Tuesday, for 2,650/.