3 MARCH 1860, Page 10

Revenue and Expenditure,—Order read, for resuming adjourned debate on Ques-

tion [21st of February], " That this House, •recognizing the necessity of pro- viding for the increased expenditure of the coming financial year, is of opinion that it is not expedient to add to the existing deficiency by diminishing the ordinary revenue, and is not prepared to disappoint the just expectations of the country by reimposing the Income-tax at an unnecessarily high rate." (Mr. Du Cane.) Question again proposed. Debate resumed. Question put. The House divided—Ayes, 223 ; Noes, 339.


Annesley, Capt. H. Arbuthnott, General Archdall, Capt. M. Astell, J. H. Bailey, C.

Baillie, Henry J. Ball, Edward Baring, A. H. Baring, Sir F. T. Baring, T.

Barrow, W. H

Bathurst, A. A. Beach, W. W. B. Bective, Earl of Beecroft, G. S. Bentinck, G. W. P. Bentinck, G. C. Beresford, W. Bernard, T. T. Blackburn, P. Bond, J. M'Geough Emil', W.

BOK yer, G.

Boyd, J.

Bridges, Sir B. W. Brooks, R.

Bruce, Major C. Bruen, Henry Bunbury, Capt. W. Burghley, Lord Burrell, Sir C. M. Carnac, Sir J. R. Cartwright, Colonel Cave, S.

Close, M. C. Cobbold, J. C, Cochrane, A. D. R. Codrington, Sir W. Cole, Hon. H. Collins, T. Cooper, C. W. Corry, H. L. Cross, R. A. Curzon, Viscount Forster, Sir G. Frankly n, G. W. Galwar, Viscount Gard, h. S. George, J. Gilpin, Colonel Gladstone. Capt. Goddard, A. L. Goff, T.. W. Gore, J. R. 0. Gore, W. R. 0. Graham, Lord W . Greaves, E.

Greene, J. Lindsay, Hon. Col. Rogers, J. J. Wynne, C. G. Grey de Wilton,Vist.Long, R. P. Holt, J. Wynne, W. W. E. Grogan, Sir E. Long, W. Salt, T. Yorke, Hon. E. T.

Haliburton, T. C. LongEeld, R. Sclater-Booth, G.

Hamilton, Lord C. Lopes, Sir H. Selwyn, C. 3. TELLERS.

Hamilton, J. H. Lowther, Hon. Col. Seymer, H. K. Jolliffe, Sir W. Hamilton, Major Lowther, Captain Shirley, E. P. Taylor, Colonel Hanbury, En. Capt.Lyall, G. Sibthorp, Major


Acton, Sir J. D. Dodson, 3. G. Ingham, Robert Proby, Lord

Adair, H E. Douglas, Sir C. Ingram, Herbert Pugh, D. Adam, W. P. Duff, AL E. G. Jackson, William Puller, C. W. G.

Adcane, H. J. Duff, Major L. D. G.James, Edwin Ramsden, Sir 3, W. Agar-Ellis, Hon. L.Duke, Sir J. Jennyn, Earl Raynham, Viscount Alcocit, T. Dunbar, Sir W. Jervoise, Sir J. C. Ricardo, J. L. Andover, Viscount Duncombe, T. Johnstone, Sir J. Ricardo, 0. Angeretein, W. Hondas, F. Kendall, N. Rich, H.

Antrobus, E. Dunkellin, Lord Kershaw, J. Ridley, G.

Amon, Sir J. Dunlop, A. M. 'King, Hon. P. J. L.Robartes, T. J. A. Ashley, Lord Dutton, Hon. It. ILKinglake, J. A. Robertson, D.

Atherton, Sir W. Egerton, Hn. A, F. Kingscote, Col. Roebuck, J. A.

Ayrten, A. S. Egerton, E. C. Kinnaird, Hon. A. Rothschild, L. de Bagwell, J. Ellice, E. Laing, S. Rothschild, H. de Baines, E. Emlya, 'Viscount Langston, J. H. Roupell, W.

Baring, H. B. Emus, J. Langton, W. II. G. Russell, Lord 3. Baring, T. G. Esmonde, J. Lanigan, John Russell, H.

Bass, H. T. Euston, Earl of Lawson, W. Russell, A. Baxter, W. E. Evans, T. NV. Leathern, E. A. Russell, F. W. Batley, T. Ewart, W. Legh, Major C. St. Aubyn, J. Beale, S. Ewart, J. C. Levinge, Sir R. Salomans, Alderman

Beamish, F. B. Ewing, H. E. C. Lewis, Sir G. C. Salt, T. Beaumont, W. B. Fenwick, H. Liddell, Hon. H. Scholefield, W.

Bellew, IL Si. Ferguson. Colonel Lindsay, W. S. Scott, Sir NV. Berkeley, Hon. H. F.Fermoy, Lord Locke, J. &rope, G. P. Berkeley, Col. F. Finlay, A. S. Lockhart, AE. Scully, V. Bethel]; Sir R. Fitzwilliani, Ho. C. Lowe, R. Seymour, Sir M.

Biddulph, Colonel Foley, J. H. Lesley, W. J. Seymour, H. D. Biggs, J. Foley, H. W. M'Caun, J. Seymour, NV. D. Black, A. Foljambe, F. J. S. Mackie, J. Shaft°, R. D.

Blake, J. Forster, C. Mackinnon, W. A. Sheller, Sir J. V.

Blencowe, J. G. Foster, W. 0. Mackinnon, W. A. Sheridan, R. B.

Bonham-Carter, J. Fortescne, eln. F. D.Maguire, J. F. Sheridan, H. B. Botfieid, B. Fortescue, C. S. Mainwaring, T. Stoney, R. A. Bouverie, E. P. Freeland. H. W. Marjoribanks, D. C.Smith,J. B.

Bouverie, En. P. P.Garnett, W. J. Marsh, M. H. Smith, H. T.

Bramstot, T. W. Gaskell, J. H. Marshall, W. Smith, A.

Bright, .1, Garin, Major Martin, P. W. Smith, Sir F.

Briscoe, J. 1, Gibson, T. H. Martin, J. Smith, A.

Bristow, A. It. Gifford, Earl of Massey, NV. N. Somerville, Sir W. Brocklehurst, J. Gilpin, C. Matheson, A. Stafford, Marquis of Brown, J. Gladstone, W. Matheson, Sir J. Staniland. H.

Browne, Lord J. T. Glyn, G. C. Mellor, J. Stansfeld, J.

Bruce, H. A. Glyn, G. 0. Merry, J. Steel, J. Bulkelev, Sir R. Goldsmid, Sir F. 11.11ildmay, H. F. Stewart, Sir H. Buller, 5'. NV, Gordon, C. NV. Miller, W. Stuart, Col,

Buller, Sir A. W. Gower, Hon. F. L. Mills, T. Stuart, Major W. Burke, Sir F. J. Graham, Sir S. 341.1nes, R. H. Sykes, Col. W.

Butler, C. S. Greens]), G. Mitchell, T. A. Talbot, C. R. Si.

Butt, 1„ Greenwood, J. Moucrieff, J. Taylor, H. Buxton, C. Gregory, W. H. Monsen, NV. Tempest, Lord A . V . Byrne., Hon. G. Gregson, S. Monson, Hon. W. Thompson, H. S. Caird, S. Grenfeil, C. P. Montgomery, Sir G. Fits, W. Calthorpe, fin. F. H.Greville, Colonel F. Moody, C. A. Tollemache, Hon.r. Campbell, Sin. W. F.Gray, Captain Morris, D. Trail, G.

Cardwell, E. Grey, Sir, G. Mostyn, Hon. T. E . Turner, J. A.

Carnegie, Hon. C. Grosvenor, Earl Napier, Sir C. Tynte, Col. K. Castlerosse, Visct. Gordon, L. Newark, Viscount Vane,Lord H. Cavendish, Hon. W. Gurney, J. II. Noble, J. W. Verney, Sir H. Cavendish, Lord G. Gurney, S. Norris, j. T. Villiers, C. P. Cayley, E. S. Hadfield, G. North, F. Vivian, H. H. Childers, H. C. E. Hanbury, It. O'Brien, P. Walter, J. Cholmeley, Sir M. J.Handley. 3. O'Ferrall. It, M. Watkins, Col. L.

Churchill, Lord A. S.Hankey, T. Ogilvy, Sir J. Wemy-ss, J. H. E.

Clay, J. Hanmer, Sir J. Onslow, G. Western, S. Clifford, C. C. Harcourt, G. G. Osborne, E. B. Weathead, J. P. B. Clinton, Lord R. Hardcastle, J. A. Owen, Sir J. Whalley, G. H. Clive, G. Hartington,Marq. of Packe, G. H. Whitbread, S. Cogan, W. H. F. Hayter, Sir W. G. Paget, C. White, Col. L. Colebrooke, Sir T. Elleadlam, T. E. Paget, Lord A. Wickham, H. W. Collier, R. P. Heathcote, Hon. G. Paget, Lord C. Willcox, B. hi`Ghie Coningham, W. Heneage, Cl. F. Palmerston, Visct, Williams. W. Cowper, W. F. Henley, Lord Patten, Col, W. Winnington, Sir T. Cranford, E. H. I. Herbert, H. A. Paxton, Sir J. Wise, J. A. Crawford, R. W. Herbert, Sidney Pease, H. Wood, Sir C. Crcok, J. Hervey, Lord A. Peel, Sir R. Woods, H. Crossley, F. Hodgkinson, G. Peel, F. Worsley, Lord Dalglish, R. Hodgson, K. D. Pete, Sir S. H. Wrightson, W. B. Dashwood, Sir G. H.Holland, E. Pigott, F. Wyld, J.

Davey, B. Hope,G. N. Pilkington, J. Wrill, M.

Davie, Sir H. R. F. Hornbv, W. H. Pinney, Colonel

Davie, Col, F. Horsfall, T. B. Pollard-rrquhart,W TELLERS.

Deedes, W. Howard, Hon. C. Ponsonby, Hon. A. Brand, Mr. Denman, Hon. G. Howard, Lord E. Portman, Hon. W. Knatchboll - Hugee- Dent, J. D. Humbersten, P. Wyse, E. L. sen, Mr. Divett, E. Hutt, W. Pritchard, J. Dalkeith, Earl of Hardy, U. Lygon, Hon. P. Smith, Major Damer, S. D. Menem; E. B. Lytton, Sir G. B. Smith, S. G.

Dawson, R. P. Hassard, M. Macaulay, K. Seines, J. Dickson, Colonel Henley, 3, W. SlacEsoy, E. Stanhope, J. IL

Dismeli, B. Hennessey, J. P. Malins, IL. Steuart, A. Drax, J. S. W. S. Henniker, Lord Manners, Lord J. Stirling, W. Du Cane, C. Herbert, Colonel P. March, Earl of Sturt, H. G. Duncomhe, Hon. A. Heygate, Sir F. W. Masud], Hon. Col.Sturt, N. . Duncombe, W. E. Hill, Lord H. Miles, Sir W. Talbot, Ha. W. C. Dunn, J. Hill, Hon. R. C. Miller, T. J. Thynne, Lord E. Dunne, Colonel Bollard, R. S. Mitford, W. T. Thynne, Lord 11. Du Pre, C. G. Holniesdale, 'Vial. Montagu, Lord R. Tollemache, J. East, Sir J. B. Heed, Sir A. A. Mordaunt, Sir C. Tomline, G. Edwards, Major Howes, E. Morgan, Hon. MajorTorrens, It.

Egerton, Sir P.O. Hubbard, J. G. Mowbray, J. R. Trefusis, Ho. C. H.

Egerton, Hon. W. Hunt, Cl, W. Murray W. Trollope, Sir J. Elmley, Viscount Ingestre, Visoount Naas, Lord Upton, Hon. General

Elphinstone, Sir J. Jervis, Captain Newdegate, C. N. Valletort, Viscount Farquhar, Sir H. Johnstone, Hu. H.B.Newport, 'Viscount Vance, J. Fan-er, J. Jolliffe, H. II. Nicol, W. Vansittart, W.

Fellow ea, E. Jones, D. Noel, Hon. G. J. Verner, Sir W. Fergusson, Sir J. Kekewich, S. T. North, Colonel Vernon, L. V. Filmer, Sir E. Reny, Sir F. Northcote, Sir S. H.Wakott, Admiral FitzGerald, W. R. S.Kennard, R. W. O'Donoghoe, The Walker, J. R.

Forester, Colonel Kerrison, Sir E. C. Packe C. W. 'Walpole, S. H. King, J. K. Pakenham, Colonel 'Walsh, Sir J. Knatchlot11, W. F. Pakington, Sir J. Wallington J. W. P.

Knight, F. W. Palk, L. Way, A. E. Knightley, It. Papillon, P. 0. Weiby, W. E. Knox, Colonel Parker, Major W. 'Whiteside, J. Knox, Hn. Major S.Paull, H. Whitmore, 11.

Lacon, Sir E. Peacocks, G. Si. W.Williams, Colonel Leeke, Sir H. Peel, General Willoughby, Sir H.

Lefroy, A. Pevensey, Viscount Woodcl, B. T.

Leh, W. J. Powys, P. L. Wyndham, Sir H. Leighton, Sir B. Quinn, P. Wyndham, Hon. H.

Leslie, C. P. Repton. G. W. J. Wynn, Colonel

Lever, 3. 0. Ridley, Sir Si. W. Wynn, Sir W. W.