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Tits Qom; welcomed home her sailor son Prince Alfred, at Bucking ham Palace on Tuesday. During the week, her Majesty has visited the studio of Mr. Bell, the library of Lincoln's Inn Hall, and the Hay- market and Olympic Theatres.
The list of guests at Buckingham Palace, includes the names of the Prince Victor of Hohenlohe ; the Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe ; the Austrian Minister, and the Countess Apponyi; the Archbishop of Canterbury ; the Marquis and Marchioness of Normanby ; the Earl of Ellenborough ; Lord and Lady Cranworth ; Sir George and Lady Theresa Lewis ; Mr. and Mrs. Cowper ; Mr. and Mrs. Disraeli; Major-General Sabine, R.A. ; Major Cowell, R.E.; Lord Harris ; the Earl of St. Ger- man's; Sir John and Lady Pakisgton ; Sir Richard S. Dundee; and Major-General Sir Richard Airey.