3 MARCH 1883, Page 14


(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] • your reference last Saturday to the deputation from-

the Financial Reform Association, you say that they " acknow- ledged that their ultimate object was to abolish all indirect taxation in favour of direct, and that they included the liquor duties in indirect taxes,—this latter, we imagine, being a new departure." This sentence fully expresses the views of Mr.. Mnspratt, who presented the memorial ; but it was brought out by a question from Mr. Childers, after Mr. Muspratt had finished his speech. In thanking Mr. Childers for receiving the deputa-- tion, I was careful to state that Mr. Muspratt spoke for himself only, and not for the whole, and that the large majority of those present were not prepared to advocate the abolition of. the duties on intoxicating liquors.—I am, Sir, &c.,

House of Commons, February 25th. W. S. CAINE..