On Saturday, Mr. John Morley was returned for Newcastle- on-Tyne
by a majority of 2,256 over the Conservative candidate,. Mr. Brace. Mr. Morley polled 9,443 votes,•against 7,187 given tor Mr. Bruce. The usual Liberal majority at Newcastle-on- Tyne is, of course, very much larger than 2,256. In 1880, Mr. Ashton Dilke received 10,404 votes, against only 5,271 given for Mr. Hamond, the Conservative. But then, in 1880, the Irish electors, who are numerous, voted for the Liberals ; while in this election they, with as many of the working-men as Mr.. Cowen's paper could influence, went over to the Conservatives. The victory, therefore, is quite as good as, under the circum- stances, we had any right to anticipate ; and in Mr. John Morley the Liberals will gain a very great accession of intellectual strength, which is of even more consequence than voting-power. Mr. Morley will certainlymake for himself a reputation of his own.