Under the present county franchise the county of Dublin at
least remains Conservative, nay, has given more Conservative votes than ever. On Wednesday, Colonel King-Harman was re- turned for the county with a poll of 2,514, as against 1,428 for Mr. Maclifahon, the Home-rule or Nationalist candidate ; majority for the Conservative, 1,086. At the last contested election, in 1874, Colonel Taylor received only 2,183 votes to 1,235 given to Mr. Parnell. So that while Mr. MacMahon has improved on Mr. Parnell's poll in 1874, Colonel King-Harman has improved still more on the vote given to Colonel Taylor. At Portarling- ton also, on Wednesday, the Conservatives had another triumph, Mr. Brewster (Conservative) being returned by a majority of 13 over the Nationalist candidate, Mr. Mayne. As between re- action and revolution, these two constituencies appear to prefer reaction.