Where to Emigrate : a Handy Guide to AU the
English Colonies. (Wyman and Sons.)—The writer tells us that his own knowledge of the various colonies has been supplemented by assistance given by the Agents of the several Colonial Governments, by whom he has been supplied with the latest data. The book furnishes the intending emigrant with information as to the nature of the soil, the climate, available markets, price of land, honse-rent, cost of passage, rates. of wages, Bre. To take an instance :—A compositor can get to Auck- land, in New Zealand, for £16. Arrived there, he can earn £2 10s. a week. A four-roomed cottage will cost him 12s. per week. Bread will be rather dearer than it is here ; butter certainly cheaper (about Is. per lb.) ; cheese about the same, as also sugar and tea ; and beef and mutton about a third of the English price, (3d.)