The United States Senate is in a fever at recent
proceedings in Chili. It appears that the Ministers of England, France, and Italy, deploring the continuance of the endless and now purposeless war between Pera and Chili, met at the house of the American Minister in Santiago, and discussed with him a plan of joint intervention. The plan, according to the telegram, was of his proposing, not theirs. The Senate, however, hearing a rumour of the affair, demanded explanations, and President Arthur informs them that Mr. Partridge has acted without instructions, that he has been ordered back by the first ship, and that the Governments of London, Paris, and Rome have been informed of this new aspect of the facts. If the Government of Washington is to assume this kind of Protectorate over two continents, it should assume also some responsibility for the protected States. As it is, it is actively intervening to prevent Peru from obtaining help anywhere, yet professes non-intervention to such an extent that it will not even remonstrate with Chili. As a result, Peru will be thrown back into barbarism, while Chili will be exhausted by a profitless occupation.