3 MARCH 1939, Page 6


UNIVERSAL sympathy and good wishes will follow the retiring Spanish Ambassador in London, Don Pablo de Azcarate, into whatever walk of life he may determine to follow. He has been a model Ambassador, discharging a peculiarly difficult and thankless task flawlessly. When the Civil War broke out he left a useful and comfortable post in Geneva, where he was a Deputy Secretary-General of the League of Nations, to place his services at his Government's disposal wherever they were needed most. By a wise decision he was sent to London, where he has deservedly won both regard and respect. At Geneva Lord Perth had a high opinion of Don Pablo's ability and judgement, and I believe looked on him as a possible Secretary-General of the future. The same turn of fortune which means temporary eclipse for Don Pablo brings to the fore again another once familiar Geneva figure, Senor Quinones de Leon, who has been representing General Franco in Paris. As Spanish representative on the League Council before the Civil War Senor Quinones was a great favourite with British delegates. " He is such a gentleman," I once heard Lord Balfour say of him ; and Sir Austen Chamberlain was so captivated by him as to pre- cipitate the crisis which delayed Germany's entry into the League by promising that Britain would support the Spanish claim to a permanent seat on the League Council.