A London Hedge
We all know that the hedgerow is — or was — the distinguishing feature of rural England. It has now spread to the town, with surprising success. The holly hedge along Piccadilly has, I am told, surprised even those who had the imagination to plant it. The holly is not an easy bush to transplant; and the controversy over the best date for its transplanting has been Continuous since the days of John Evelyn. October or April, who shall say? How pleased he would have been to see this London hedge, for he grew more lyrical over holly as a hedge-plant than any other bush. In spite of the. prickly leaves, which grow more prickly on the clipped hedge than on-the tree, it is a favourite withlairds. Even chaffinches., irtmy experience,.will choose it as a building site. Is it-too much to expect of the town that a bird or two will find a home at' the edge of Piccadilly?