3 MARCH 1973, Page 26

General practice

From Mrs Helen Hodgson Sir: We should be very grateful if you could allow us through your correspondence columns to invite any of your readers who have recently been in contact with their general practitioner, to write to us about their experiences, both good and bad. We should like to know their views of the surgeries, appointment systems, receptionists and medical care; whether they feel the doctor gives them enough time and information; what they think about group practices and deputising services; and if they had any difficulty in finding or changing a doctor.

A working party headed by Sir George Godber has been set up to inquire into general practice following complaints of inadequate or hasty treatment, and in giving evidence to it we should like to have the fullest and most up-to date information possible. Correspondence, which will be treated as confidential if desired, should be sent to The Secretary, The Patients Association, 335 Gray's Inn Road, London WCI.

Helen Hodgson Chairman, The Patients' Association, 335 Gray's Inn Road, London WCI