3 MARCH 1973, Page 26

Israel and the Arabs

From the Rev Tony Crowe

Sir: Your timely article 'Peace in jeopardy' highlights the dangers of another war in the Middle East, in which Israel will once again emerge as victor. Her recent activities in Northern Lebanon and the tragic shooting down of the Libyan airliner give credence to Arab fears of Zionist expansionism.

General Dayan who greeted the commandoes from their raid into Lebanon is quoted by Le Monde on February 17 as saying that "peace with the Arabs is not the primary objective of Israel ". Now that the Israelis have the ability, strength and the manpower, Dayan went on, "we should extend and accelerate the planting of Jewish settlements in the (occupied) territories."

Up tilt now, Israel has enjoyed special privileges and has been immune from criticism. She is now isolating herself from the world community and is seen in her true colours. Her arrogant intransigence will eventually bring about her downfall, unless she works out a modus vivendi with the Palestinians.

In the years ahead America will depend more and more on Arab oil. One can only hope that she can bring pressure to bear on Israel and initiate a peaceful and just settlement in the Middle East, before it is too, late.

Tony Crowe Charlton Parish Church of St Luke, 67 Charlton Lane, London SE7