3 MARCH 1973, Page 27

The National Trust

Sir: I have read the correspondence which has followed Mrs Brock's initial letter of criticism and I now feel I should make known my own experience in running a Stately Home under the administration of the National Trust.

I was Curator at Heveningham Hall in 1970 when the Government purchased the estate from the Vanneck family. The National Trust was asked, as an interim measure, to be responsible for the administration which included the continuing opening of the house, park and gardens to the public.

I must admit that at the time I viewed with some apprehension the prospect of being responsible to a large organisation and not just to the family interests. However I quickly appreciated that my ' masters ' were most friendly and co-operative persons who were only too anxious to maintain and further the friendly atmosphere which had been created at Heveningham. Such changes as were made — many of which could not be made previously for family reasons — enhanced the attractions and conditions for vistors. The

Regional Agent, who incidentally has twenty-five years service with the Trust, and his colleagues have readily given their experienced guidance and assistance without any trace of the dictatorial attitudes alleged by Mrs Brock. Similarly the members of the Regional Committee, which held one of their meetings here last year, have shown genuine consideration and understanding on their visits.

Some degree of responsibility is held by those in the position of Mr and Mrs Brock or myself but it is presumptuous to suggest, as is implied in her letter of January 3, that we hold over-all direction of policy, which is surely the responsibility of the Trust's Committee and of the experienced Regional or Head Office staff.

C. E. Sheppard Heveningham Hall, Halesworth, Suffolk