Sir: I was dismayed to read `Thulium Snow' (Scenes from science, 17 February), in which William Cooper describes the work of Dreadco without giving it due credit. My company operates at the leading edge of technical innovation. Its recent developments, regularly reported in Na- ture, have included such triumphs as a low-pressure pub for enhanced drunken- ness, a device which watches the television for you, a scheme to inflate the Channel Tunnel with high-pressure steam, a late- activated testicle to counter the mid-life crisis, and an intestinal combustor to in- cinerate dog excrement while it is still inside the dog.
While I am grateful to William Cooper for publicising Dreadco's metallic snow for car-bodies, I would like to complete his account by pointing out the origin of this challenging development.
Research Director, Dreadco Dreadco House