3 MARCH 1990, Page 32

Speed the plough

Sir; Let me assure Jennifer Paterson (Food, 13 January) that the plough is brought to the chancel arch of Pevensey Church every Plough Sunday to begin the farming year.

As the old service has it: '0 God, who has entrusted the soil to our keeping, help us to render to thee a good account of our management: that as we keep our land in good heart, so we may ourselves be kept rich in Christian living'.

May I say that Miss Paterson's sugges- tions for Plough Sunday lunch were excel- lent and admirably complemented the mut- ton from Parsonage Farm, on the Vicarage estate. Could 'Dean' Waugh bless us by suggesting an appropriate wine for next year's celebration?

Anthony Hammond Christian

The Vicarage, Pevensey, Sussex