3 MAY 1834, Page 9


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ArrtrixooN. The intention of the Government to reduce the 4 per Cents. has become known in the course of the last few days ; and though the notice has not been officially given, it is generally understood that the measure is determined on. The first plan proposed was to give 1001. Reduced 3 per Cents. and lls. 6d. per annum Long Annuities for every 100/. 4 per Cent. Stock; but as a difficulty has arisen as to that portion of the 4 per Cents, which is held by trustees, who would be thus compelled to convert a per- manent into a partially terminable annuity, and in cases of marriage settlements, and where reversionary interests exist, much injustice would arise, this plan has been abandoned ; and we understand it is now proposed to give 1001. New 34 per Cents. with the accruing dividend in exchange fur every 100/. 4 per Cents. These terms do not ap- pear to us sufficiently adVantageous; and, therefore, we are almost inclined to doubt the accuracy of what we have heard, and only give it as the prevailing rumour. The conviction that in some way or other the financial operation will be concluded, and a saving of nearly 50,0001. per annum effected to the country, has given great elasticity to the Money Market. Consols have been as high as 924 fur Account ; have since de- clined to 92 ; and close this afternoon at 921 f. India Stock has improved nearly ;per cent. in the course of the week ; and is to-day quoted at 270 271. From causes to w Melt we have frequently alluded, the demand for this Stock seems likely to continue. Money is again becoming scarce, and was to-day rather in demand. Exchequer Bills are 4gs, 48s. prem.

The disposition for purchase and investment in Foreign Stocks, which had been dur- mast for some time, semis to have been again excited by the threatened reduction of the 4 per Cents. ; Dutch, Russian. Belgian, and Brazilian Bonds have been sought for during the past week, at considerably advanced prices; and though the highest quota- tions have not been maintained, they are this afternoon considerably higher than the closing prices of last week. Dutch 21 per Cents. have been 511, and close at 514 1. Belgian Bonds are 901, ex-dividend. Russian Bonds are 1051 106, and Brazilian, after having been at 751 for the end of the month, close at 741 1. The transactions in Spanish Slunk and Portuguese Bonds have been unusually extensive: the tendency of both markets is still upward, though the rise has frequently been checked, by the anxiety of some of the speculators to realize their profits ; but the large holders of Spanish Stock do not evince any disposition to take advantage of the extraordinary improvement which had occurred, and seem generally disposed to hold for higher Fives. In the course of the next week, intelligence will in all probability be received of the result of the negotiation of the loan in Madrid ; the competition fur which is to be decided in that capital this day, anti which may be considered as already deter- mined. The proposals of the English capitalists are all contingent upon the re. cognition of the Fortes Bonds ; but we have been informed that some of the French bankers have made proposals for a loan, without regarding these Securities. If the latter proposals should be accepted, the price of Spanish Stock in this market most decline very materially ; but if the new Loan be accompanied with a recognition Or I Ile old debt, a corresponding advance will take place. The continued success of the Pedroite cause kas given an impulse to the speculation in the Regency Bonds the price has been as high as 784; it has since fallen to 764, and is this afternoon at 7711.


1.-cry little has occurred this morning. Consuls for Account are 02;;. Bank Stoek b es been erne at 215, and India Stock is again (muted at 271. In the Foreign Market. the business has Nam chiefly confined to Spanish Stock, which has been as low as 361; but has again revived to 37. We understand advices have been received from Math bringing a supplement to the Cazt ftc of the 23d ult. which contains an account of some collisiou having taken place between the Spanish troops under Rom and those of Don Mioun„ in which the latter were defeated. We have not been enabled to learn any details, but are assured of the correctness of the main fact. The Regency Maids, which were at 761, have since improved to 774. SATURDAY, Foyle O'CLOCK.

other Stocks, both Foreign and English, are at the morning's prices.

Consols close heavily at 921. We are not aware of any cause for the decline. The

3 per Cent. Consols 921 921 I Ditto for Account French 3 per Cents Bank Stuck 215 Mexican 6 per Cents 42 India Stock for Account 271 46 47 Belgian 5 per Cents 981 9.f Prussian, 1818, 5 per Cent... - Dutch 24 per Cents 511 i New 34 pr Cen. Annuities .. 991 1 Greek, 1833.5 per Cents. 104¢ 51 Portuguese 3 per Cents...... 761 7* Exchequer Bills Do. Regency Scrip 5 per Cent. 764 7i Brazilian 5 per Cents. 741 5 Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent .. 1054 6 Danish 3 per Cents 734 4 Spanish, 1821, 5 per Ceut.... 361 74