3 MAY 1856, Page 7

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BUSINESS and pleasure throng closely upon each other's heels in the re- cords of the Court newsman. On Monday, the Queen held a Privy Coun- cil, at Buckingham Palace ; when the proclamation of peace and the proclamations ordering a general thanksgiving were issued. The Earl of Clarendon, Sir George Grey, Lord Palmerston, and Earl Granville, had audience. On Tuesday, her Majesty held the second drawingroom of the season, at St. James's Palace : the presentations were very nu.- merous.

Yesterday the Queen held a Chapter of the Order of the Thistle ; when George Douglas Duke of Argyll, having been elected a Knight of the Order, was duly invested by the Queen with its ensigns. Besides performing these state duties Queen Victoria has given a con- cert at Buckingham Palace to a distinguished circle • has visited the Royal Academy Exhibition, making a stay of nearly two hours ; and lins been present at performances of the Italian-Opera, the Princess's, and the Haymarket l'heatres. She has ridden and driven out during the week. Prince Albert has presided at meetings of the Patriotic Fund Commission and of the Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851. The guests of her Majesty have been—the French Ambassador and Countess De Pereigny, the Duke and Duchess of Manchester, the Earl and Countess of Lichfield, and Admiral Jurieu de in Crraviere.