By telegram through Mr. Reuter's office.
Paris, May 2. The Moniteur of this morning publishes a letter from Mexico com- menting upon the intolerable conduct of the Mexican Government and the probability that the French troops will not delay marching on the city of Mexico. The journal L'Esprit Public of to-day says :
"There is a question of sending Marshal Niel to Rome with mili- tary and diplomatic powers. "It is said that he will be charged to conciliate, if possible, the protection which France owes to the Holy See, with the rights of the Italian nation."
Naples, May 1.
Prince Napoleon is expected here on a visit to King Victor Em- manuel.
It is stated in official quarters that General Goyon has been re- called from Rome.
Madrid, May 1. The statement that the Spanish and French troops were about to march against Mexico has been favourably received here.