Formal Gardens in England and Scotland. Part I. By H.
Inigo Triggs. (B. T. Batsford. 21s.)—This is a portfolio of plans and pictures of gardens. The first is Montacute in Somersetahfre, where architectural features play a part in the scheme of the garden, and where walls and balustrades connect the house with the flower-beds and lawns. Thus the garden becomes a place where the solid strength of man's work and the changing beauty of Nature can meet and harmonise. Mr. Triggs also gives drawings of sun-dials and lead figures as well as of garden-houses, and an interesting page of knots and parterres. One of these knots would make a pleasant fantasy in the corner of a garden, though they are too stiff and formal for indiscriminate use. The cover of this portfolio is adorned with a charming design of peacocks.