Dramatic and Early Poems. By Matthew Arnold. (J. M. Dent
and Co. 2s.)—This edition contains besides " Merope," a work which probably represented Arnold's ideal of the poetic art, two prize poems, " Alaric," written at Rugby, and "Cromwell," written at Oxford, "Empedocles on Etna," " Mycerinus," and other poems familiar to Matthew Arnold's admirers. One, "The Hayswater Boat," we see for the first time. He never reprinted it, and, indeed, it fails to suggest a meaning. Here are four fine lines from "Cromwell" 0 pleasant rest, it once the race were run! 0 happy slumber, if the day were done I
Dreams that were sweet at eve, at morn were sin ; With cares to conquer and a goal to win."
The epilogue and bibliography, from the pen of Mr. Buxton Forman, are well executed.