New EDITIONS.—Some Notes on Books and Printing, by Charles T.
Jacobi (C. Whittingham and Co., 6s. net), a "new and enlarged edition" of a useful book, originally issued under the title of "On the Making and Issuing of Books." It is a really practical guide for those who write and those who publish. Perhaps it might be better not to write at all; this, however, is a counsel of perfec- tion; it is well, therefore, at least to know the external conditions of success.—The Book of the Rose. By the Rev. A. Foster- Melliar. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.)—In fiction we have Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (A. Treherne and Co., ls. ed. and 2s. net) ; The Sill of Joost Avelingh, by Maarten Maartens (Mac- millan and Co., 3s. 6d.) ; and In Troubled Times, translated from the Dutch of A. S. C. Wallis by E. J. Irving (Swan Sonnenschein. and Co., 6s.)—John Ploughman's Talk. By C. H. Spurgeon. (Passmore and Alabaster. OcL)