3 MAY 1913, Page 29

A New English Dictionary. (Sniggle—Sorrow.) Edited by W. A. Craigie,

M.A., LL.D. (Oxford University Press. 5s.)—The latest section of the Oxford Dictionary contains 3,084 words, as com- pared with 251 in the corresponding portion of Johnson's Dictionary. Among the many interesting words included wo may mention " snob " and "snooze," both of which appear first in the eighteenth century, and "socialism," which, as a French word, seems to have made its debut in England in the Globe on February 13th, 1832. Seventy different ways of spelling the word "soldier" are recorded, a fact which even the worst spellers among us could hardly have imagined possible. Many of the alternatives are attractive ; and we hesitate before giving our final choice to the fantastic " sowldiour" or the businessliko " sojor."