The Baj Ranee, from Calcutta to Liverpool. was totally wrecked near the former play, on the lot August. It is Waned all on hoard perished e%cept the elite! nude.
Arrived-At Gravesend. Oct. 3141, Calenta, Bentley. front Bengal ; Sarah Barry, Evans ; and 'num is binary, Bally, from Chi 111:1. At 1./eal, Jean t:raliata, Thornton, frotn 31:turitius ; awl Giraff.. Burns, from Van Diemen's Land. Off Portsmouth, 31st, Royal George, It Wit rills, from New South Wales. Off Poi tlied, 31st. llooghley.
from /tomboy. Al Bristol, Nov. 1st, Pearl, Stark, from Bengal. At Liverpool,Oet. 31st, Thalia, Graham, from ditto. III the Clide. (let. 2611i, Nlooarell, Booth, 'root
and 29th. Margolin Connell, Morris, runt Bengal. At St. Helena, N.pt. 10th, Morning
Star. Linton, nom Ceylon ; 1801,3 ava, Todd. nom ; 19th, Enterprise, Fearon, from the Cape; 2011L Kyle, Fletcher, from Bengal ; 221, Itaitilion, Oakley , Inuit Matt. ritins; 2.4d,Justitia. Young, from Bengal ; 24, h. Senator, Om huh,' • from t he t7ape ; and
Gillies. from Chum. At the Cape. Aug. 25th, Helton it. A1•Leo.1, from the Clyde; awl 26:11, Earl Powis, Spittall, from London. At Bombay. July 23t It, Brighton, Sett.
man, from Llatielly ; Aug. 3,1, Malabar. Sontliwood, from Liverpool ; 5: h, Ha- rold, Willis, from London ; 6th, Doke of Latiwwter. Hargrave*, nom Liverpool; 14th,
John Marsh. Hawking, from Llauelly ; 23th. Strabane, Bower, nom the ; Sept, 1st. Cambridge. Douglas. from London; and 6th Ilerculeatt, Grinilde. from Liverpool. At Madras, July 4th, La Belle Alliance, Arkoll ; 24th, I,tils 'taffies. Bytes ; 30th, Strathldeti, Cheap.; Aug. .2d. Reliance, Marquis; 15111, °root], Cot ml ; Minerva, Ireland ; 25th, Asia, Gillies; 2,4th, llindostan, Redman ; awl Colombo, NE Kell. ,r ; all
Stout London. At Bengal, July 21st. Bengal, Scott ; awl 24114 Pi taler, !torn Loudon Aug. 8111. inflow., Pinder ; 14111, It 'chard, Cunningham : Ellen. Yapp and Itiple■. Steward, from Li, erpool ; i5hi, City Holm, Small, front ilri.I,il; Stet hog, Burnett, from London tush ;2501, Queen Mali, A itiley, noni Liverpool. At Bata% ta,
Faleon, Middlehurst, from L lon ; Hope Coektitun ; Ella t Walker, Superior, — ;
and Aurelitte, —, from Liverpool. At Angier, I 'it tail, Dicks ; Euphrates, ;
aryl Jatneu Ttarcau. Ture.m, front Liverpool. At China. 31a.. 15.11, ;
27111, Maudatin. Symonds ; mud littiC 26th, Parklield, Jaeoh' float Liverpool ; and 1;7 , trona I. hon. • Sailed—From Gravi send, Nov. 1st, ltobatts, Elder, for Matins.
Arrived-In the Don ns, Alfred, Jameison; and Kyle. Fletcher, from Bengal.