The Liberals claim small majorities on the registration in Reading and Peterelield ; and it is admitted by a writer in the last number cd- Frascr's Magazine, who has made out a table of the results of the Registration, that the Liberals have fared better in the towns than in the counties- " There are many counties and many boroughs, let it be borne in mind, re- specting which there can be nothing to report. More than half the counties of England are now no longer the arenas of political contest. In South Derby- shire, for instance, South Shropshire, East Norfolk, South Essex, North Lan- e:nitrite, Westmoreland, Oxfordshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, East Kent, and several other counties, in which the Conservatives are in quiet pos. session, nothing of the least consequence has been transacted. The Radicals and Whigs have resigned themselves to their fate ; and the whole business of registration has subsided into mere routine. In one or two other cases they have been active, but without any important :re-ult. They claim in the county of Huntingdon an advantage of about lOO by this registration. They were in a minority, at the last election, of nearly 400. In North Shropshire they also claim a small advantage; without, however, having the smallest clemee of' gain- ing even one eeat. In the boroughs they have better luck ; but the di ae beck on their gains here is, that they merely triumph in a few select plecee, which were censtructed to be, and always will be, %%lig or Whig-Hadical preserve*. At Ashton, for instance, and at Manchester and at Huddersfield, they have pro. fited slightly by the registration. At Liverpool and at Preston, neither party gained airy thing of the least censequence. In the great boroughs, such as Bir- mingham, Finsbury, Lambeth, the Tower Hamlet., the registration hail mire. whatever, as far as the character of the constituency was concerned."
The Tories claim a gain of 90.2 votes on the result of the registra- tion for the West Riding of Yorkshire, to be added to :IA their amount of gain on the lust registration.
In North Derbyshire, the Conservatives have struck off 144 votes ; while their opponents have only struck off 37, leaving a majority of 107 in favour of Conservatism. Besides, we know that the number of' new claims for the hundred of Scarsdale (those for the High Peak not being ascertained) have a great preponderance.—Derbeshire aurier.
The North DerbyshireChronicle admits that this statement is correct ; and gives the reason of the Liberal losses- " It is a notorious fact—a fact that has been made known from the mouths of the Revising Barristers and the Tory agents themselves—that the defeat of the Liberals is in the main owing to a want of proper attention and activity. NVe grieve to say it, but such is the unvarnished truth."