Some changes in the Ministry are reported to be in
contemplation; and, if carried into effect, will cause new elections for the Northern division of Cheshire rind the West Riding of Yorkshire. Mr. Ed- ward John Stantley, it is understood, is to supersede Lord Morpeth as Secretary for Ireland, and Lord Morpeth is esconced in snug quarters in Downing Street —Liverpool Mail.
The charter of incorporation for Birmingham reached that town on Thursday, to the great joy of the Liberals and sore vexation of the Tories. Thus, after much intrigue and shuffling, Ministers have at length done an act of tardy justice to their own supporters. Mr. William Scholefield, the Liberal and intelligent High Bailiff, is named the Returning-officer for the first election of Councillors.
The Duke of Sussex, having been for some time on a visit to the Earl of Zetland and Lord Dundas, at Upleatham, the principal inha- bitants of the Vale of Cleveland invited him to a public breakfast at Middlesbro' ; and on Monday last, the Duke and a party went to that thriving little town. Besides the Duke, there were present the Bishop of Durham, Lord Dundas, Mr. Pease, Mr. Larnbton, Sir S. Cromp- ton, Sir Robert Hondas, and other gentlemen. The health of the Duke having been given, Iris Royal Highness spoke as follows- " There is no member of the Royal Family who feels deeper the kindness of his fellow subjects than I do, and no one member more anxious to unite himself with them on every occasion. We live, thank God, in a free country; and, though we have our distinctions, vet those are so properly marked, that, if rightly observed, every man enjoys' his advantages and station in the country. It ha. is en eiy SirS uus wish, from the monwut that 1 wae e'ee to unix feLee yew tiyiei r, te shoe teem the aexiety I felt on all riceaeions ti sitine ith tir m ahv 1 0.1p. earl loe.etire whielt the lens of this come ry give o: eve!). III' is .1. It is !In-, there m.ty be a eleiete of opinions as to the mea- ner a i.:Ls 11 'III ain these beer fits; and I have no right to metered ervie
a:.y i: 1, With me tie this punt; lint at the same time, whilst I
:les I f .1 IW Shill to every man, I cleitn the reciprocal ft.eisek 011 the ;.ri ii.. Ti v.lioai I make thie et:dement. By taking the proper op- portunity ul changes, the thine' is well done, aral done no gem: humour : by del.i).icg them, the peeple becomedissatietied, things are dolie out of humour and tinder irritation, anal then the alterations will not be se perfeet
as they eal ere Lave been. I am perfectly satisfied, that though ity diletieg en ri 511"..; ct there may be difference of opinion as to the mede, yet. se
to the ps.' e' no eim ef ream-non sense can differ from the position I have telres
The progress whieh eeietwe has made and the improvement of society, eape- cially in the last hilly %enrs, must strike every per-on; awl when one coneidets what the power of stem alone has produced, both as to the manner of printinr and as to the nude of communicetion, it behoves eve, y man to look at home, and assist in that improvement ohich it is imposeible, thauk Gol, to prevene
So far a. Tin eoist in the promotion if this object, I can only say, a mete zealous indivi btel flees net exist, though there may be many who are insist inure powerful. I assure you, that seeing what iris been produced durina the last seven sears in this small spot, is an important k..son to rue; one on wild' I II riled:Lite with pleasure, and, I hope, profit.'' The " wanking classes " had a meeting in Carlisle on 'Iliur4O:7, week. Messrs. O'Connor and Stephens were the principal orators.
:Arr. Viocent seems to be labouring with pereceeratice and some K1.. ce.a ill i hill in tire promulgation of Universalist doctrines.
The Sheffield and Rotheram Railway was opened oil IVednesda7..
A notice in Friday's Gezette announces, that applic:Ition wi71 fr. mode to Parliament in the next session for au act to make a branera
railway from the Great Western Railway, near Sleugh, to Wineser. distance is only two miles ; and at present the shoals of visiteze from Cockaielie, if they do not ehoese to walk, may ride thither cc, omnibus at siximnce per heed.—/'est.