The Coventry Heruhl contains an mamma of a riot in
Covi ntry, in which twenty mot belona,,ing to the Seventh Region at of Hussars and the Fourteenth Regimmit of Light Dragoons, biilet: ii ai Coventry on their way to Northampton, were the dila actors. It is odd that these regiments had an old grudge egainst Cf/ventry, where, some time ago, several of their officers and men were taken into custody for breaches of the peace. The riot commenced on the night of llondity week. The soldiers had obtained leave of absence from their buttocks till five o'clock of One following Tuesday morning. A party of a dozen sallied from a public-house, headed by a corporal, and armed with bludgeons. They indecently assaulted stone women, and nom who interfered to protect the women ; subsequently they beat and wounded two policemen ; they cut one man's ear needy off, and committed various other Outrages. The police mustered in force, mid drove the rioters towards the barracks; bat the sentinel on guard and other soldiers came to the assistance of their comrades. At 'tomtit, seven of the ringleaders, two of them corporals, were taken into custody. Four of Oleoe seven, including the corporals, were committed to gaol by the Magistrates, on the serious chalge of " wouading with intent-am kill." The officers bailed the other three. The regiments were paraded, that the rest of the rioters might be identified; but as they were drawn up in full uniform, and lied only worn their stable. dresses during the fray, they could not be pointed out by the police. 'unit Hussars were the assailants in the first instance, owl were afterwards joined by the Doigouris.
Two men, engaged in two diffetent contests at Leicester, have lost their lives from being engaged in boxing-matches. A verdict of " man- slaughter " was recorded in both cases.
The country papers contain accounts of three murders. In the neighbourhood of :Wilbourne Port, two labourers quarrelled ; and one,
James Osmond, in a scuffle stabbed the other, William Stacey, with a scithe. A verdict of " wilful murder" was returned by a Coroner's Jury against Osmond. At Birmingham, Abraham Holyoake, a file. cutter, quarrelled with Anna Evans, with whom he "kept company;" and, according to his story, they both agaegcl to drown themselves in the Canal. But Holyoulte got out, though the woman was drowned ; and he is believed to have murdered her. Near Glossop, the body of a labourer, not known, was found dead on the road.side, with several severe wounds on his neck ; evidently made with a large sharp stone, lying beside him. John Blocksage, a bricklayer, is in custody on sus- picion of being the murderer.
On Thursday last, the City of Carlisle, Hamburg and Goole steamer, was seized by order of the Board of Customs, in consequence of having concealed amongst the luggage, and under the decks, sixty pounds of tobacco, fourteen pounds of tea, and five gallons of' foreign brandy, which were not entered to pay duty.—Hull Paper.
A correspondent of the Essex Herahl says that a fellow in the garb of a sailor, but pretending to preternatural knowledge of things in the world to come, mid offering medicines for sale, is gulling the good people in Rochford Hundied. The Essex paper advises the peasantry to " inat 01 their pockets a little tighter " und the advice is the hest that can be offered.