On the 294 ult.. at Errol Purl:, Lady II Tall ETTA ALI EN, or a still-born son. On the 23.1 ult • the Lady f listEVI,' Casto,, Esq . or Dumbarnie, of A SID. 011 the 3.1 t.r June last, at Madras, the Lade 0,* JAMEs °VC:WTI:BLOW v. Esq.. o a SOH. On the 24th ult., at the Vicarage, West "Alvington, Devon, the Lan1y. of the Rev. DonotAs MAcnosAt.m,. ef a sun.
On the 260t ult., at Tuna tile l'ark, Bucks, the Lady of ALEXANDER PEARsON BOYD, F.:$(1 .01 a sou.
On the 27th Mt., at Carberry, Wort.r.t's GFOROE Eerscorr, Esq . of Threadowedllt Street, to AXABELLA. only daughter of Edward Wolstentiohne, Esq. of Newberry, Kildare.
Oor the 20th ult., :it Thomann Hall, NI A 11V.ehlest daughter of Lord Petri'. to JAMES ALEXANDER DoUGLAss, Grav's lom, and Ealing. M iddlesex, Esq. On the 26th tilt , Church, ii oem s, Lieut. Wisest AN. eldest son of Sir Wil- liam saltonst all Wiseman, Bart., of Mary Poit Lodge, Middlesex. Cm.toin PS. to CHARLOTTE JANE, only daughter of Admiral Paterson. or East Crisham Douse Hants. On the 251h nit , nt Pr is, at the British A mlarssarlor's, Lieut..Colonel Le Conde Vierrut Ds; Jorte'EVILLE, Chateau Gtoernes. in Normandy, to MAROARET, )oougest da aglot er of floe late Colt mel Beare, on' Coppst ow rn Cork. On the 18th ult., at Kent' wont), Bons Fir Gottossx, Esq.. of Adelaide, South Austra- lia, to NARAII, eldest daughter of James Whitten', Esti , of the former place. On the 24th September, at Neu York, the Chevalier CALDERON PI. LA BARCA. Minister flout the C.-utt of M nlo id at Washington, to FRANCIS ERA; INF, third daughter of the late William Inglis, Esti ,M titer to the Signet.
On the lit immt., it Brighton, Lady JoitNilosr.. III her 321 year. On the 2111h ult., at Queen Street, Ellint nigh, General the Hon. DAvin LEsLIE. On the 2tHit nit at Halstead Place, K tint, JOHN ATKINS, Etli.,Ulle of the A ',termini of 11W. City ot London, in Ins 79 II ear.
On the 24th ult.. :It his re•htence, Park Street, Islington, Mr. ERANNS Vs HITTON. formerly in merchant of Lisbon. but Lite stock-broker of the Bank of Eng' Ind, iu inns 59111 year.
On the 21st ult., at Nlarsehles, Miss JOANNA WATSON. of Woodbridge.