The Money Market is not so firm to-day as it was at the beginning of the week ; some considerable quantity of Stock having been brought to market by the public, who seem in some degree alarmed at the warlike rumours of the last few days. The intelligence from the West Indies is also stated as very unsatis- factory; there being a general indisposition among the Negroes to labour at any reasonable wage.. The prices of Stock have, however, given way in a very trifling degree; and the weakness of the market has not yet produced any decline. India Stock has been as low as 2..55, which was a decline of 24 per cent, from our last prices; but has since rallied, and is to-day 2594 2604; thus reaching the point at which it was on Saturday labt. India Bowie have been done at 60 prem. ; while Exchequer Bills have been and are 66 to 68 prem. This disproportion between the two Securities is unusual, and must be referred to the same CUM that have operated upon the value of India Stock. There ire, however, but few India Bonds in the market ; and not a single bargain has occurred in them for these last three days: the nominal quotateee ;„ toeley 60 to 64 prem. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock is rather lower 0.'4 morning ; the &d- vices received from Holland stating that the Governtneee have determined upon a further emission of Five per Cent. Stock. Yet st would appear, that this mew creation ■.f Stock is contingent upon the ram 'settlement of what is called He Belgian question ; and that the Finance Minister has only taken a vote of credit for the suns that will be required for the war expenses and the interest of that portion of the Debt allotted to Belgium. the dividends on which are not comprised in the Dutch Budget, incase the settlement of the question should be preonged another year. The price of the Stock, therefore, remains steady at % per eei,t. below the opening price of this morning.
The other European Stocks are not affected in the slightest degree. Spanish Stock has been steady at 174 and In, and is tmday heavy at the lower quotas lion.
The South American Securities have all improved, and are today from % to I per cent, above our last prices. The Railway Shares have generally been steady, with little doing. Manchester and Birmingham still support their prices. The business transarteil has been almost entirely confined to the Shares in the Northern lines of Railway ; to which the circumstances referred to in our last report have given increased value.
SATeltDAY, TWaldfc O'CLoca.
Consols opened sellers at 93%, have since been buyers at that pi ice, and are now 931 Zi. Bank Stock has been done at 202. No quotation of India Stock Of Bonds; and very little business of any kind doing. In the Foreign Marker, all descriptions of Stock are at yesetrday'a prices, with the exception of Spanish Active, which is heavier, being quoted 174 a. Colombian are 241 25%; Mexican 2:3 to 4. The Railway Shares are the same. London and Birmingham 84 to 86 prem. ; Great Western 13 to 14 prem. ; Croydon 17 to 17i, per Share; Greenwich 161 17% ditto; Southampton 46 to 47 ditto. 3 per Ceut.Consols 933 i Brazilian 5 per Cent s ..... .. 78 744
bubo for Account 933 11 Danish 74 74f 3 per Cent. Reduced ...... .. 93 41 Dutch 2f per Cents 53f f Neo 3f per Cent .Anita Batik stock 20'2
101f f port,,,,, Regency 5 p.Cts. 23011 22f1
Ditto 3 per Cent.
lit liaShwk — It ti,siiiii (15213)5 per Cent... 111 112
Ditto Bowls — Spanish (183515 per Cent... 171 I Ezeherpter Bills 66 64pin. Oefeirwl Stock 7k i l'..1.iiau 5 per Ceuta ...ex dir. 1013 4 Passive Ditto 4 43