General Orders.
Dated Horse Guards, Nov. 1. The Field-Marshal Commanding-in-chief has received the Queen's most gracious commands that Brevet-Col. W. Y. Williams, C.B. of the Royal Artillery, be pro- moted to the rank of Major-General in the Army for his distinguished conduct in the defence of Kars, and of the position in front of the town, when attacked, on the 29th September last, by a large Russian army, which on that occasion sustained a signal defeat by the Turkish troops.
Dated Horse Guards, Nov. 2.
The Field-Marshal Commanding-in-chief has much gratification in publishing to the Army the commands of the Queen for the promotion of Brigadier-General J. E: Dupuis, C.B. to the rank of Major-General, for his distinguished services with the Army in the Crimea, and in the operations which terminated in the capture of Sebastopol.
Brevet-Col. W. F. Williams, C.B. of the Royal Artillery, to be promoted to the rank of Major-Gen. in the Army for distinguished services in the field. Capt. and Lieut.-Col, S. Brownrigg, C.B. Grenadier Guards, to be Col. in the Army, for dis- tinguished service in the field.
Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army-F. G. Urquhart, 1st Foot, F. C. Aylmer, 89th Foot, F. D. Lister, 9th Foot, H. A. Strachan, 39th Foot, Hon. C. D. Plunkett, 1st Foot, H. Blount, 68th Foot, W. M'Mahon, 44th Foot, W. M'Call, 79th Foot, J. J. Hort, 4th Foot, H. Smith, 3d Foot, J. A. Ewart, 93d Foot, E. G. Hallo- well, 28th Foot, C. G. Ellison, Grenadier Guards, W. Sankey, 47th Foot. W. Inglis, 57th Foot, G. W. A. Higginson, Grenadier Guards, L. Shadwell, Unatt. Assist.- Quartermaster-Gen., W. Morris, C.B. 17th Light Drags., J. H. King, 49th Foot, R. Pratt, 41st Foot, C. F. Campbell, 46th Foot, F. F. Maude, 8d Foot, A. C. Cure, 55th ;Foot, E. H. Maxwell, 88th Foot, J. Daubeny, 62d Foot, W. W. Turner, 7th Foot, W. J. Loftus, 38th Foot, B.. Warden, 19th Foot, R. Grove, 90th Foot, G. Steevens, 20th Foot.
Captains to be Majors in the Army-J. R. Eager, 31st Foot. T. W. Hudson, 39th Foot, .1. Dwyer, 14th Foot, A. Wombwell, 46th Foot, W. Douglas, 19th Foot, R. F. W. Sibthorp, 97th Foot, W. A. Fyers, Rifle Brigade, W. J. Carter, 63d Foot, W. C. ECodgeott, 79th Foot, J.Maxwell, 34th Foot, F. L. Whitmore, 1st Foot, A. R. Gar- rett, 46th Foot, G. H. Hawes, 9th Foot, T. Smith, 90th Foot, R. Barnston' 90th Fact, W. Pretyman, 33d Foot, F. G. T. Deshon, 48th Foot, C. Sykes, 48th Foot,
H. B. Browne, 9th Foot, W. Boyle, 89th Foot, G. Skipwith, 41st Foot, T. Mann- sell, 28th Foot, F. A. Thesiger, Grenadier Guards, C. C. Villiers, 47th Foot, R. B. Hawley, 89th Foot, J. Robinson, 44th Foot, H. R. Carden, 77th Foot, C. Hood, 3d Foot,- H. R. White, 89th Foot, J. E. T. Quayle, 33d Foot, A. Pitcairn, 42d Foot, G. L. Thomson, 4th Foot, W. Roberta, 28th Foot, H. D. Ellis, 33d Foot, G. flume, 38th Foot, J. Jordan, 34th Foot, R. G. A. Luard, 77th Foot, W. A. Armstrong, 17th Foot, J. Lawrie, 18th Foot, S. Hackett, 38th Foot, Hon. E. C. H. Massey, 95th Foot, J. H. Le Coutenr, Coldstream Guards, Hon. W. C. W. Coke, Scots Fusilier Guards, E. 8. Burnaby, Grenadier Goods, A. C.
H. Lock, bOth Foot, Sir C. Russell, Bart. Grenadier Guards, L. H. Daniel, 38th Foot, J. N. Sargent, 95th Foot, E. Chippendall, 19th Foot, Hon. D. G. Finch, 68th Foot;; Hon. A. E. Fraser, Scots Fusilier Guards, C. E. Watson, 7th Foot, G. T. Brice, 17th Foot, AL J. Hayman, 18th Foot, A. J. B. Thellusson, Coldstream Guards, Sir J. Dunlop, Bart. Coldstream Guards, J. Baring, Scots Fusilier Guards, C. C. Graham, 42d Foot, C. H. S. Churchill, Rifle Brigade, G. F. C. Pocock, 30th Foot, F. P. Lea, 57th Foot, H. B. %Verge, 55th Foot, H. Rowlands, 41st Foot, W. Hollows, 49th Foot, R. Hume, 53th Foot, J. Lewes, 3d Foot, G. Al. Green, 30th Foot, N. Steevens, 88th Foot, F. Wells, 1st Foot, J. W. Dewar, 49th Foot, A. W. 8.
F. Armstrong, 18th Foot, H. R. Hibbert, 7th Foot, D. W. Tupper, 55th Foot, C. H. Lumley, 97th Foot, C. Elgee, 47th Foot, J. G. Hay, 20th Foot, H. G. Woods, 97th Foot, R. Preston, 44th Foot, F. W. F. Hunter, 47th Foot, R. L. 0. Pearson, Grena- dier Guards, F. C. Elton, 55th Foot, C. Cooch, 62d Foot, A. F. Warren, Rifle Bri- rie, J. Hassard, 57th Foot, G. B. Harman, 34th Foot, Hon. S. J. G. Calthorpe, 8th
• ht Dragoons. Royal Artillery-Col..7. E. Dupuis, C.B. to be Major-Gen. for distinguished ser- vice ue the field.
Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels in the Army, for distinguished service in the field-J. St. George, E. C. Warde, D. E. Wood, C.B., J. W. Fitzmayer, G. R. Barker, C.B.
Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army-M. C. Dixon, H. F. Strange, J. C. W. Fortescue, C. S. Henry, E. B. Hamley.
Captains to be Majors in the Army-S. D. Broughton, H. A. B. Campbell, F. B. Warde, H. Rogers, M. Clifford, M. Adye, A. C. Hawkins, W. J. E. Grant, G. Shaw, A. F. Lennox, G. T. Field, Hon. D. Frazer, C. J. Strange, H. P. Newton, G. H. Milmau, C. G. Arbutluiot, F. W. Hastings, E. Moubray, W. Al. Reilly, W. W. Barry, E. J.. Carthew, .7. E. Michell, G. C. Henry, W. J. William*, C. Oldershaw, P. Dickson, W. J. Hope, W. W. Lakin, C. E. Walcott, W. J. Bolton, J. Sinclair, L. W. Penn, E. Toddy, F. Miller, C. H. Owen, P. L'Estrange, R. H. Champion, W. G. Andrews, R. Mackenzie, W. G. Le Mesurier.
Royal Engineers-Lieut.-Col,. F. E. Chapman to be Col. in the Army for die- tenguished service in the field.
Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army-G. Bent, E. Stauston, S. F. Bourchier.
Captains to be Majors in the Army---J. F. M. Browne, Hon. H. F. Rome, C. J. Gibb, F. C. Hassard, H. W. Montagu, A. C. Cook, E. C. de Moleyne, L. J. A. Armit, C. B. Ewer', C. B. P. N. H. Nugent, E. C. A. Gordon, W. Porter, P. Raven. hill, L. Nicholson, C. H. Sedley, G. Banker.
Royal Marines-Brevet-Major G. G. Alexander to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army. Captains to be Majors in the Army-S. N. Lowder. G. B. Rodney, J. M. Wemyse, .7. E. W. Lawrence, G. A. Schoenberg, G. S. Digby.
Wea-orries, Nov. I-2d Drag. Guards-Capt. W. H. Seymour, from the 68th Foot, to be Capt. vice Brevet-Major Conyers, who exchanges. 6th Drag. Guards- B. C. Russell. Gent. to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Curtis, promoted. 3d Light Drags.-Cornet T. Hall has been permitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission. 9th Light Drags.-Lieut. C.C. Moller, from half-pay 18th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Hawtrey, promoted, without purchase, to an 17n. attached Company ; Cornet R. Blair to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Moller, who re. tires. 16th Light Drags.-Brevet-Col. Hon. J. St. V. Saumarez, from half-pay Unatt. to be Lieut.-Col. vice Brevet-Col. Smyth, C.B. who exchanges ; Major T. Pattie to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Brevet-CoL Saumarez, who retires ; Capt. T. W. White to be Major, by purchase, vice Pattie ; Lieut. H. E. Leader to be Capt. by purchase, vice White ; Cornet G. W. H. Riddell to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Leader ; Acting Assistant-Surgeon A. K. Rickards to be Assistant-Surgeon. Royal Artillery-Brevet-Col. A. Tulloh to be Col. vice Haultain, retired on full. pay; Capt. A. G. Burrows to be Lieut.-Col. vice Tulloh; Second Capt. J. F. E. Tra- vers to be Capt. vice Burrows; Lieut. F. Carey to be Second Capt. vice Travers; Brevet-Major the Hon. E. T. Gage to be Capt. vice Cannon, retired on half-pay; Lieut. II. Heberden to be Second Capt. vice Gage.
The unchrnientioned Gentlemen Cadets to be Lieutenants-C. S. V. Wilson, 3. da
B. Rochfort, R. B. Webster, C. D. Chalmers, S. P. Lynes, C. H. Pickering, B. L. Forster, J. Robertson. For F. Sprat, Gent. to be Vet.-Surg. which appeared in the Gazette of the 21st of Sept. read F. H. R. Spred, &c.
Royal Engineers-W. Newsome, Gent to be Lieut. Royal Engineer Field Equipment-Company Berg. H. Saville, from the Royal Ar- tillery, to be Lieut. and Adjutant, vice Handyaide, promoted to the Land Transport Corps.
3d Foot-Ensign H. Peachey to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Dennis, died of his wounds; Ensign R. F. Eames, from the Royal South Mayo Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Peachey. 7th Foot-Lieut. J. M'Henry to be Capt. by pun. chase, vice Thomas, who retires. 20th Foots-C. K. Chatfield, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 22d Foot-Lieut. D. P. Bouverie to be Capt. by purchase, vice Bamfylde, who retires ; Capt. N. Wrixon, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. repaying difference, vice Breton, who ex. • Lieut. W. DPBean to be Capt, by pur. vice Wrixon, who retiree ; Ensign B. DS. Dean to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bouverie ; Ensign T. Tyacke' to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Tweedie, who retires ; Ensign R. C. D. Ellis to be Lieut.lby purchase, vice M'Bean. 23d Foot-Assist.-Surg. H. H. Raymond has been permitted to resign his commission. 29th Foot-Lieut. T. P. Wood, from the 81st Foot, to be Lieut. vice F. Browne, who exchanges; Sergt.-Ma- jor J. J. Bayley to be Quartermaster, *vice Walsh, deceased. 334 Foot-Lieut. J. R. Carr to be Capt. by purchase, vice Corbett, who retires. For Brevet-Lieut.-COL G.
V. Monday to be Lieut-Col. without purchase, vice Gough, deceased. read, 3sc. vice Gough, died of his wounds. 38th Foot-The Christian names of Lieut. Gaynor are C. W. 8. 47th Foot-For Limit. J. Lucas to be Capt. without purchase, vice Hooke, deceased, read, &c. vice Hooke, died of his wounds. 52d Foot-Lien. tenant Cecil Lennox Peel to be Captain, without purchase, vice .7. H. F. Stewart, deceased; Ensign J. J. Wynntatt to be Lieutenant, without purchase. vice Peel ; Beret:Major S. Murphy to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Wynniatt. 55th Foot-O. 8. Delano-Osborne, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. 56th Foot-
C. G. Buckner, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 57th Foot-Ensign E. Mills to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Curwen, deceased; R. A. H. Cox, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Mills. 58th Foot-The surname of the Ensign promoted to a Lieutenancy, by purchase, on the 26th ult. is " Ilingeston," and not •• Hingston," as previously stated. 62d Foot-Lieut. G. W. B. Hughes to be Capt. without purchase, vice Philips, who retires upon full-pay; Ensign J. A. Staines to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Hughes; Lieut. R. Clay, from the Hampshire Militia Artillery, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Staines. 63d Foot-Lieut: W. Fitzroy, from the 83d Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fearon, who retires ; C. H. Kinahan, Gent to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Byron, promoted. 68th Foot-Brevet-Major C. E. Conyers, from the ad Drag. Guards, to be Capt. vice Seymour, who exchanges. 79th Foot-Ensign D. Alleyne to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Turner, promoted. 81st Foot-Lieut. F. Browne, from the 29th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Wood, who exchanges. 87th Foot-Major A. Murray to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Kidd, who retiree ; Capt. A. Robertson to be Major, by purchase, vice Murray. 90th Foot-The Christian names of Ensign Hassard are William Henry. 92d Foot-A. C. Battrae, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. 93d Foot-Ensign R. dhu G. H. Burgoyne to be Lieut. without purchase ; Ensign E. C. Haynes to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Ewart, promoted; W. W. Mason, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Gooch, promoted ; C. Beetle. Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Burgoyne. 96th Foot-Ensign It. D. Douglas, from the 45th Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Lowry, promoted. 97th Foot-Major T. 0. W. In- gram to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Hon. H. R. Handcock, killed in action. To be Majors, without purchase-Brevet-Major I. Moore, vice Ingram; Capt. E. C. Legh, vice Welsford, killed in action. To be Captains, without purchase-I-lents-. M. Brinkley, vice Brevet-Major Moore; E. R. Mackesy, vice Legh ; R. B. Ingram. vice Hutton, killed in action. To be Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensigns P. C. Smyth, vice Brinkley; W. Dawes, vice Mackesy; H. Proctor, vice Ingram. To be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign R. C. Kearney, from the Royal South Mayo Rifle Militia, vice Smyth; Ensign F. Smythe, from the 24 Surrey Militia, vice Dawes; J. Cooper, Gent. vice Proctor. To be Adjutant-Lieut R. C. Whitehead, vice ArGregor, killed in action. To be Quartermaster-Quartennaster.Sergt. R. Wood. rtiffe, vice Desmond, appointed to a depot battalion. 98th Foot - Ensign F. B. Hassard to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Dillon, promoted in the Rifle Brigade; C. H. Griffin, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Hassard. 99th Foot- A. W. H. Atkinson, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase.
Rifle Brigade-Lieut. M. Dillon, from the 98th Foot, to be Capt. 'without purchase, vice Hammond, killed in action..
1st West India Regt.-A. W. C. Nowlan, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Sykes, promoted. 2d West India Regt.-C. T. Edwards, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Maunsell, promoted. 3d West India Regt.-J. B. Jackson, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Richardson, promoted. Cape Mounted Riflemen-D. C. L. Fitzwilliam, Gent. to be Ensign, without pur• chase, vice MaunseU, promoted in the 82d Foot.
Royal Newfoundland Companies -Assist.-Surg. W. M. !Woes, M.B. from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Spence, who resigns. Land Transport Corps-Ensign R. W. Jenkins, from the Donegal Militia, to be Adjutant.
Turkish Contingent-To be Paymaster-C. W. Chantrel, Esq. To be Surgeons- Assist-Sorg. C. M'Dowall, vice Lewins ; A. E. Czapkay, Eeq. ; Assist.-Surg. J. Dee, vice Willet ; Aesist-Surg. A. Irvine, vice Risk; Assist-Sorg. R. Richardson, vice Patteson; Assiut:Sorg. E. A. Wigan, vice Littleton. To be Assistant-Surgeons -R. Sins, Gent., W. F. H. Temple, M.D., H. Clark, Gent., W. B. Tate, Gent., T. W. Hamilton, Gent., C. A. Mercer, Gent. To be Acting Assistant-Surgeons-J. Gorman. Gent., R. Stirling, Gent., .1. Carlaw, Gent., W. D. Tindal, Gent., P. W. Ilutcheon, Gent. To be Veterinary Surgeons, attached to the Osmanli Cavalry-R. Wilkinson, Gent., J. Dollar, Gent. vice Lam, invalided. The names of the Deputy. Assistant-Commissary appointed on the 9th October, are W. S. Hornsby, and not W. 8. Hernsby, as previously stated.
"Edward German Sanders." Light Drags.-The names of the Third Lieut. are British Swiss Legion-J. Hanebler, Gent. to be Paymaster. British Italian Legion-The Christian names of Paymaster Ryan, of the 1st Regt. are " V. J."
Provisional Depdt Battalion-To be Lieut-Colonele-Lieut.-Col. G. Erskine, from half-pay Unatt. Lieut: Col. G. W. Franeklyn, from half-pay Unatt. To be Pay- master-Paymaster G. Bodle, from the 80th Foot.
Unattached-Brevet-Col. 0. Felix, Major on half-pay 'Coed. late Deputy Quarter.. master-General at Madras, to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase. Brevet Lieut.-Col. A. C. Sterling, C.B. Major Unite. Assist. Adjt-General, to have his brevet rank converted into substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant of Oct. 6, 1864. Hospital Staff--To be Assistant-Surgeons-Assist-Sorg. A. M. Tippette, from the 16th Light Drags. vice Calder, appointed to the 49th Foot. Assist.-Surg. J. Duflin, from the 46th hoot, vice Bradshaw, appointed to the 50th Foot; Acting Assist.-Surg. T. S. Hollingsworth. To be Acting-Assistant-Surgeons.-J. Benbow, M.D. ; W Batley, Gent.
Col. F. Haultain, on the retired full-pay list of the Royal Artillery, to be Major- Gen. the rank being honorary only; Capt. W. S. Philip*, retired full-pay, 63d Foot, to be Major in the Army, the rank being honorary only; Capt. N. Wrixon, 22d Foot, to be Major in the Army; Capt. II. L. Cafe, of the 94th Foot, to have the temporary
rank of Major while employed with the British Swiss Legion. For Major E. 'F. May, second in command of the East India Company's depdt at Worley, to have the local rank of Lieet.-Col. in the Army while so employed, which appeared in the Gazette of the 18th ult. read Major W. F. Hay, 8ce. Erratum in Gazette of Sept. 21—For F. Spirit, Gent. to be Vet.-Sorg. read F. H. R. Sprat% to be Vet.-Burg.