PARISIAN Tamaxnrceve The trench metropolis is again in a state
of theatrical activity. On Monday, Mario reappeared at the Italiens, as Almaviva, to the Rosina of Madame Borghi-Mauro. At the Theatre Lyrique, a new Belgian com- poser, M. Gevaert, has made his first essay, with a comic opera entitled Les iavandieres de Santarem to which MM. Demery and Grange have furnished a somewhat lax libretto. La Raisin, a celebrated comedian of the last century, beloved by the son of Louis Quatorze, gives the name and plot to a comedy in two acts, written by M. Roger de Beau-• vallet, and produced at the Odeon. At the Gate, a new drame, by MM. Anicet Bourgeois and A. Dennery, who after a long rivalry now work in. friendly union, has been produced with the title .Le .ifidecin des .Enfans. A curious social position is manifested in the course of the plot. One gentleman is naturally, the other legally the father of the heroine; and' their relations in this respect being perfectly known to each other, they grow so warm in a dispute about the young lady's marriage prospects,. that a duel ensues. The two fathers, having each tried to exercise the paternal right, part content that the lovely Louise shall belong to neithea of them, but to her future husband.